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'clover's garden' is the girl group's own show, where the production crew create fun and exciting activities for them to do before uploading them on youtube. the show is very popular and has had three seasons so far.


"We're going back to school!" Hyeji cried as she pushed open the door, revealing the set that had been created just for them.

Various cameras and wires were in front of them, but the four were used to them now, and as they took their respective seats, the production director began to speak.

"Welcome to Clover High School, and the very first episode of Clover's Garden!"

The statement earned a round of applause the girls cheering in delight. They had dreamed of going on reality shows and here they had their own.

"Alright," Minju grinned, unable to contain her excitement. "What are we doing today?"

The production director continued. "Seeing as it's the first episiode, why don't we give your fans an insight into what you're like and things they may not know about you? The first game is where each member asks a question about something that happened to her and the other members have to guess the answer, understood?"

"Yes!" The girls chorused before Sooyoung clapped. 

"Let's go!"


"Alright, leader's up," Anastasia leaned back in her chair as Minju made her way up to the front of the classroom, placing her piece of paper on the lecturn.

"Why do I feel like we're not going to be able to answer her question?" Hyeji tilted her head, eyeing the second oldest. 

"Okay, my question," Minju began, a small smile on her face. "When I was around seven, my older brothers played a prank on me which involved my teddy bear. What did they do?"

"Hang on, you've told me this before!" Sooyoung racked her brains, her hands on her head. "But why can't I remember?"

"Hyeji, you have an answer?"

The Baek girl stood, ready for her answer. "They took your teddy bear and hid it, and afterwards, they threw it in the bin,"

Minju made an odd sort of expression, earning herself laughter from the other girls. "The bin part is right, but they didn't hide it,"

"Wait, I have it!" Anastasia stood. "They took your teddy and ripped it apart as some cruel joke and you had to end up putting it in the bin!"


A series of 'aahs' drifted across the room.

"That's horrible," Sooyoung mumbled. "You must've been very upset,"

"I was extremely upset," Minju said, cheerfully as she retook her seat. "I didn't speak to them for three whole days until they bought me ice-cream,"


"Ana unnie's is probably something from when she was in England," Hyeji crossed her legs, patting the invisible wrinkles in her skirt. "Let's hear it,"

"Right, so," Anastasia glanced at her paper. "Back when I was in England, I played for the girl's netball team at my school. One time, we had a match and it resulted with me breaking my arm. How did I break it though?"

Minju stood up. "I know, you tripped,"

The girls descended into laughter at the idea of their cool and composed oldest member tripping and sustaining an arm injury.

"Wrong," The Choi girl rolled her eyes, but she was smiling . "Next,"

"You threw the ball too hard and your arm went the wrong way," Sooyoung shrugged.


"I don't really know, to be honest," Hyeji sighed. "Tell us,"

"Yes, tell us, I've not played netball,"

Anastasia grinned at the earnest faces of her members. "I was playing as centre on that game, and they usually do a lot of the work, running around the court. I had the ball and just as I threw it, a girl from the opposing team went to catch it but she fell on me instead, and my arm landed in an awkward way, so it broke and I couldn't play for a while,"

"Did your team win though?" Hyeji asked, her eyes wide. 

"Yeah, we did,"


"Hyeji's up," Minju took a sip of the drink in front of her. "Go ahead, Hyeji,"

"Okay, we had White Day in school one year, and my friend was upset that she didn't get anything, so what did I do?"

Sooyoung stood, a smile upon her face. "I know this, I know! You gave her flowers and a card and wrote in someone else's name,"

Hyeji smirked. "Yes I did,"

"Wait hold on, what's White Day?" Anastasia asked, a frown on her face. 

"It's kind of like Valentines Day, but celebrated a month after," Minju explained. "Wow, that's so nice of you to do that though. Did she find out it was you?"

"After a while, yeah, but I didn't like seeing her so disappointed over a boy, so I did what I could do," The girls cooed at the Baek's coolness.


"Sooyoung's might be easy, she never stops talking," Anastasia teased the younger who pouted.

"You know I like to chat," She made a heart before taking out her piece of paper. "Okay, as a child I did ballet, and we did the Sugar Plum Fairy as one of our shows, but a more child-friendly version. What was my character?"

Minju hummed before raising her hand. "The Sugar Plum Fairy?"


"The Nutcracker?" Anastasia asked.

"Nope, but I did want the position at the time,"

"The little girl, oh, I forgot her name," Hyeji shut her eyes desperately, trying to think. "Clara! Yes, Clara!"


"Wow, you got the main lead?" Anastasia was impressed. "That's brilliant,"

Sooyoung was beaming. "I was one of the youngest in my class but I was given the main position. I was shocked myself!"


"Alright, and that's a wrap for Clover's Garden!" Minju waved at the camera.

"We hope you enjoyed watching us!" Sooyoung smiled.

"And we hope to see you soon!" Anastasia threw a peace sign before the girls chanted.

"This is Clover, out!"

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