Chap1: Understatement.

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I dunno how to start shit so we'll chuck the lads in a forrest and take their emotional support manservant away x

Heavily inspired by a lot of other fics idk the names of

⚠️ Torture
Gwen x Lancelot / Gwencelot
Arthur x Merlin / Merthur

5th September 2023, 07:42
7th September 2023, 00:21

Arthur and the knights had been wondering through the forrest for what seemed like hours, and probably was. They had been separated from Merlin and their horses in a bandit attack, and tensions where high. Elyan suggested that they set up camp for the night, Lancelot and Gwaine protested, and Arthur was staring up at the sky and didn't seem to hear him.

"Sire?" Elyan tried to no response,

"His majesty Princess of Camelot?" Gwaine

"Arthur," he finally responded to Lancelot this time

"Huh.. yea?"

"We'll set up here for the night and look for Merlin in the morning."

He looked like he wanted to argue but the weary look on the king's face told the knights he was too tired to go on.

"Right. I'm just.. slightly worried,"


It was unlike Arthur to admit his feelings like that, but the knights could tell he wasn't all there, really.

With Merlin

He woke up in a strange dungeon-like room with almost no memory of why, his head was pounding and there was an awful stench that almost made him pass back out.

Arthur. Shit, he'd been separated from the others in a bandit attack. So that means they're probably back at Camelot by now sorting out a search party..

"Ah! Yer awake!" Wasn't it too early to be shouting this loud?

"Agh, what now?" He responded in a snappy tone, raising his head.

Luckily it wasn't Morgana this time, and he realised maybe 20-25 other cells. Two huge, maybe 6'8, men stood infront of him, not looking too happy with him.


The first one chuckled, "Heh, you think yer big like pal?"

Merlin didn't even bother to reply, rolling his eyes and sitting up for a better view of everything. About eighteen people from other cells were staring at him in shock and almost fear, the others asleep.

The second man spoke,

"Right, listen up lad. This can go two ways," he said with an awful grin, "One. Yi can give us inside information on Camelot by yer own will."

Merlin spat on the bandits boot, "And what's number two?"

"We get it out of you the hard way," he shouted, his eyes showing his fury.

He waved a hand to the side and a small boy in rags came forward, wiped his boot, and ran off as fast as he came.

"Ya know what that is, boy? Power. Something you daint have, so you'd best follow our orders."

Merlin stood up and went as far forward as his heavy chains would let him, "I would NEVER," he gave the men a look twice as bad as they had, "betray my King."

They seemed intimidated at first but quickly got over it, laughing at him, "That's what they all say in the beginning."

A third large, scruffy man walked in, "And who is this?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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