Jesse - the one who brings laughter

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A week has passed since the Jesse "incident".
I only have art class once a week, so haven't seen him since then. I was afraid that he would start annoying me again. I walked in and already saw him grind . Great, here we go again. I sat down and was waiting for my faith.  I just stared at my blank canvas waiting, but nothing happened. I looked to the left and saw fricking Jesse sitting next to me:0
- Not my fault, that you have weak nerves, shorty
-I already told you, my name is Ophelia- and with that I aggressively inserted my straw into my Capri-sun.
He rolled his eyes on me, and then said -Whatever shorty- he came closer- by the way, there is this weird thing going on in my mind, u know, I can't help the feeling, that your obsessed with me.- he said softly, with a wide grind.
My eyes widened. WHAS HE FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!
-Oh yeah? Wich part of my face expression makes you say that?
- Come on shorty, I see the way you look at me, I mean im not surprised. It's nothing to be ashamed of.
While he was talking I started to drink my Capri-sun fast, and I almost chocked on it, when he finished this ridiculous sentence.
-You*coughing and laughing at the same time*
really think, *laughs harder* that your sooooo irresistible?*continues laughing*
- Looks like i did it- he said with a warm smile
-Did what?-I asked confused
- You haven't been laughing for more than a year now.:)
I turned around trying to hide my blushing face, grabbed my Capri-sun, and started drinking aggressively. When I felt, that my face changed back into its normal colour I said with the numbest face I could make
- Yeah sure, whatever.
He continued smiling, but he didn't say anything afterwords. We started to work in deadly silence. 

School day was finally over, I couldn't wait to get out of that shithole.
On my way home, I was thinking about what happened in class
"Looks like I did it, you haven't been smiling for more than a year now"
Why did he do it? Did he say all that to make me smile, or did he really mean it? Why? Was it a bet, or did he really want me to laugh?
My brain said to forget it. I didn't want to care, but my heart was just curious. Craving for answers. I got into the house, mom wasn't home yet. I threw my clothes and backpack on the floor, ran into my room, grabbed my headphones and turned on my usual playlist.
I layed down on my bed, closed my eyes and just listened. I let it all come to me. My anger, my fear, my curiosity. Everything was just flowing. It became overwhelming and I started to cry. It was too loud, I wasn't able to mute the voices with the music, they got louder and louder. I kept seeing it. That day. His voice, his face, everything was coming closer I couldn't take it anymore. I cried myself to sleep, but I woke up all of the sudden. It was my phone, I got a text. I was surprised, I usually don't get texts. It was an unknown number.
-Hey shorty what ya doing?:)
-I have some connections, anyways you didn't answer my question?
-It's none of your business, got it?
-Damn shorty, what did I do to deserve this treatment?:0
-You know exactly why i'm like this
-Oh, so you treat every person who makes you laugh like this.
-I treat every person who annoys and messes with me like this
- So if someone makes you feel joy and happiness, you call that "messing with your emotions" noted.:3
- Ugggh!! Any chance for you to leave me alone?-.-
-Not gonna happen, shorty>:3, not until I get to know more about you.
-Fineeee o-o What do you want to know?
-As much as possible. Whats your favourite colour?
-Oukey, what do you do for fun?:0
-I paint/draw, read or listen to music
-Aham, yeah this explains your literal masterpieces in art class
-When is your birthday?

I just stared at the screen. The tears came back into my eyes, and I started to feel rage. I threw my phone against the wall, layed back, covered my hole body with the blanket and just tried to sleep, without success. I stared at the wall while I was in a caterpillar position and I just let it all eat me from inside.

october the 19thWhere stories live. Discover now