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"THAT'S IT! GO TO MS. JEON'S OFFICE NOW!" mrs. choi shouted as she slammed her fist on the desk in frustration.

"will i get suspended again?" felix simply asked.

"just go. i had enough!" she sighed.

felix stood up and put his hand in his pocket, walked out of the class.

"oh and mrs. choi.." he stopped and turned to look at her.

"don't miss me too much when i'm away." he winked at her and left.

"I WILL NEVER!" she shouted as if her whole life depend on it.

meanwhile in ms. jeon's office

"so, do you have a middle name?" ms. jeon asked as she looked at the student card while the person just stood there, playing with his phone.

"yeah." he just nodded while looking at his phone. "i see, so what's your dream major for college?" he rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"can u just stop asking things and read the paper?" the blonde said.

"i barely asked two-" before she could finish her sentence, someone suddenly came in without knocking and went straight to take a seat.

ms. jeon sighed, "now what felix? another prank on mrs. choi?"

felix took one of the lollipops from her desk and unwrap it while the blonde guy looked at him curiously.

"nah, it's just her with her mood swings."

"i know you said something bad to her, tell me the truth."

felix sticked the lollipop in his left cheek and chuckled.

"she was talking shit about students who didn't pass last week's test. so i told her, why pass ur exams when u can pass away? she took it seriously and let the devil boiled her blood."

the blonde guy tries not to laugh while ms. jeon looked at felix with full of anger.

"that's it felix, u are suspended and i'm going to call ur mother. now if u excuse me." ms. jeon said in a serious tone.

"yeah sure, tell her i said hi."

ms. jeon smiled and got up, trying to control her anger. then she walked out ot the office and called felix's mother.

"my dear soft and fluffy pillow, i just got suspended, NOW WAIT FOR ME I'M COMING BABY!" felix said as he got up and turned to leave, he bumped into someone's chest.

"who the-"

felix looked up to see the person and as he did, he quickly pushed him away.

"who the fuck are you?" felix asked in his deep voice.

"ur troublemaker." the blonde replied and winked at him.

"what a jerk..." he said in an annoyed tone and made his way to leave but.

before he could leave, the blonde guy turned and said something which made felix to turn back and look at him.

"playing hard to get, lollipop boy?"

"bro we just met and u already gave me an ugly nickname? lollipop? like who the hell calls people as lollipop? that's sick."

the blonde walked closer to felix and tilted his chin, making him look up at him,"i did." he stared at felix's eyes deeply, making him blush without him realising it. he then stepped back and put his hands in his pocket.

"i can make u blush everyday, if u want." the blonde smirked.

"pfft, m-me? and blushing?" he nervously laughed, trying to calm himself down.

"that's a good joke bro." he rolled his eyes and walked out of the office while the blonde let out a little chuckle.

"lollipop.. interesting"

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