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"what the heck?" hyunjin looked at jisung as the boy was complaining.

"HE SAID I SOUND STUPID WHEN I SAID STRAY KIDS WHOOO" jisung screamed out of anger.

just as usual, minho messing with jisung and jisung complaining about it to his friends.

"no need to scream out loud u squirrel. but i think he's right. YOU sound stupid as fuck." hyunjin started laughing.

jisung gave him a death glare and took his phone out of his pocket.

"what are u doing?"

"u called me stupid so i unfollowed u on instagram." jisung smiled.


"STRAY KIDS WHOOOOOOO!" he ran away quickly before hyunjin could say anything.

"i swear that mf-" hyunjin was so done with his childish behaviour.

"whats up with him? OUCH!" felix popped out of nowhere that made hyunjin slapped his face.

"sorry not sorry." he smiled innocently.

"whatever." felix rolled his eyes and rubbed his soft cheeks.

"ay hold up, aren't u supposed to be in class right now?"

"bro i just got suspended."

"what the fuck bro" hyunjin quickly grabbed felix's shoulders and smiled as he won a battle in his life.

"yea bro?" felix asked while sighing.

"I GOT SUSPENDED TOO!" hyunjin squealed in happiness.


"yessss bro"

felix removed his hands and gave a not interested look.

"anyways, i heard that there's a new guy on our campus." hyunjin said again smiling.

"so what? u want me to get his autograph?"

"i can give u that, if u want."

felix looked back hearing that voice, "what the hell? are u following me?" he asked but it was none other than the blonde guy he met earlier in the principal's office.

"why should i follow u? it's such a waste of time." he laughed.

they both started to argue and hyunjin looked at them like a third wheel.

"so uh, u both just met and already became enemies? dang i should just write ur story on wattpad." hyunjin laughed while teasing both of them.

"what the-" they both replied at the same time.


hyunjin sighed and said "why don't u guys make a bet? the loser will be ur slave for a week."

"huh? what kind of bet brah?" felix asked as he was confused.

"u sound interested huh? duh ASK GOOGLE MF!" he ran away as soon as he told this.


"so, wanna bet?" the male said while putting on a smirking face.

"brah i don't even know ur name and u want me to bet? bet with ur own ass new guy." felix replied in a sassy way.

"the name's christopher bang but u can call me as bang chan or chris... or maybe as daddy if u like." chan smirked.

"ok chRisssPy cHan" he rolled his eyes and left.

"i guess, that's a yes." chan smiled while looking at him walking away.



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