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"i bet one of us will catch a feeling towards each other." chan smirked at him.

"dude, that's cliche as fawk. but i'm in."

"i'm going to win this, lollipop boy." he winked.

"we will see about that." felix rolled his eyes and laughed.


time skip (sorry)

three months have passed and felix is getting closer to chan. he did every possible stupid or bad things with him and it is always him.

all girls and even some boys at the campus began to hate felix more than they used to do before, just because of bang chan becoming his "best buddy". they never stop to start an argument and try to become a victim. but who cares anyway? because the thing is right now..

who will lose the bet?

everyone were around felix and that one bitch who's always playing the victim card.

"SHUT THE FAWK UP! UR STANDARD IS LOWER THAN A RAT ASS!" a girl shouted at felix infront of his locker, creating a scene again.

felix sighed, "no pen, no paper but you still draw attention." everyone there present went 'oooohhhhhhhh' at that.

"um dont u guys think we should help him?" chan looked worried at the sight so he asked felix's friends.

"nah, he can handle that." said hyunjin while eating popcorn.

"DAMN GO!!! THATS MY TWINNNIE!" and jisung? he was cheering for him while eating popcorn as well.

"remind me why u guys are his best friends again?" chan rolled his eyes at them.

felix chuckled, "listen up girl" he walked closer to the girl and tilted her chin that made everyone goes 'damn'.

"my standard is higher than ur heels." as soon as he told this everyone 'oh-ed' again.

"damn, he's hot as fuck." chan mumbled to himself but..

"then what are u doing here? go get ur boy man." jisung smirked as chan cursed himself for saying it out loud.

chan sighed as he couldnt wait for it anymore, "that's it."

chan started walking towards felix and stopped next to him that made everyone go confused.

"chan, what are you-" felix got cut off as chan got close to his ears and said.

"i lose the bet."

chan quickly pulled felix close to him and kissed him on the lips.

everyone started cheering for them and went 'oh-ed' but this time, extra loudly.

"IM GONNA TELL THIS TO MS. JEON" that girl started crying and left. (lol)

felix was shocked by the sudden action that made him quickly punched chan's face.

"THATS JUST SO SWEET AWW" the squirrel boy shouted.

"i really should write this on wattpad." hyunjin started laughing.

"oh my god im so sorry i-i was shocked-" felix tried to apologize but

"YOU ARE SO MEAN-" chan said while rubbing his cheeks more like he was being dramatic.. but someone came and ruined their moment.

"LEE FELIX AND BANG CHAN! MY OFFICE NOW" oh and here comes ms. jeon.

everyone runs, leaving those two alone there.

"hey channie.." lix said as chan looked towards him while blushing at that nickname which felix just called him.

"i lose the bet too." he smiled shyly.

"wait REALLY?" chan couldnt stop himself as he smiled brightly, showing his dimples cus he didnt expected that at all.

felix smiled and grabbed chan's hand, running away from ms. jeon.

T H E E N D.

i hope yall liked the story?


look at them *tries not to tear up* they just looks so adorable here frfr

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look at them *tries not to tear up* they just looks so adorable here frfr

look at them *tries not to tear up* they just looks so adorable here frfr

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