Shower thoughts #1

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Art by StriderDen on Deviantart! Again I found the pic on google but the URL said it was by this person. 

So, I have a shower thought. More like a shower question, but who cares tbh-

You know Medusa, right? From the Greek myths? Ok, good. And, you know the myth of how Medusa got snakes for hair? Good, good. So, uhh, today in Theatre class, something kinda caused my shower thought. 

So basically, My theatre class is doing a play called "Pandora's socks", it's a play based on the Greek myth Pandora's box. My parts are Epimetheus and Perseus. I have two parts because we have something that's called "Flexible Casting", here is the explanation straight from my paper:

There are 28 parts, but the play can work with anywhere from 11-35 actors. For a smaller cast, each actor can play several roles and/or individual scenes can be cut. For a larger cast, larger roles (such as Pandora) can be split amongst multiple actors. An easy way to add more characters is to add more Muses (we've used three, but there are nine total) or have different actors play the Muses during scene 8. Note that all roles can be played by either boys or girls. See our note on page 35 of the Teacher's Guide.

Anyways, back to my point.

 I'm friends with the girl whose role is Medusa, and she was wearing a Medusa headband today, and it came to me...

Do her snakes need to eat, sleep or bath??

Like, how would that work?? Where would their stomachs and digestive systems be?? What happens when Medusa angers the snakes and they bite her, or does that just not happen? (Option one: Is she immune to the snake poison? Option two: Are the snakes just aware that if she dies, they die too? Option three: They aren't poisonous, and so they don't bite her, or no??)

Idk man, but just thought that I would share that with you to break your mind and kill of your braincells-

Anyways, I'll hopefully be a bit more active on wattpad in the future, but for now, I need to focus on school..

Love you guys! 💛

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2022 ⏰

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