Comfort Kisses

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Summary: Spencer is struggling after a tough case until he finds comfort in your arms

Pairing: Spencer Reid x GN!Reader

Category: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff

Content Warnings: a hint at case-related violence (nothing graphic), a bit of self-deprecating thoughts (Spencer), kissing

Word count: 1k


After a couple of months of working for the BAU you had learned that it was necessary to find comfort and joy in the little things to forget about the cruelties of the world. Those moments on the jet after finishing up a case were part of that.

It made you happy to listen to Derek's attempts to flirt with Emily even though it was obvious to you that she only had eyes for JJ. The sound of Hotch and Rossi clinking their glasses let a smile spread on your face because it reminded you of unburdened times back in college.

And watching Spencer sleep on the couch never failed to make your heart skip a beat or two.

However, today he seemed different. His eyes had been closed for several minutes now but his brows were furrowed and his whole body seemed tense. It was clear to you that Spencer wasn't able to find rest.

Once he opened his eyes again and sat up on the couch, a sigh that sounded more like a whine escaped his throat.

"Are you okay?" You quietly asked.

"Sure," he lied before he got up and walked over to the coffee maker.

He avoided looking at you for the rest of the flight and declined when you offered him a ride home from Quantico. There were certain cases that got to all of you but this one seemed to hit Spencer especially hard. You could only guess that it had brought up some painful memories he would rather forget. The thought of him being alone in a time like this broke your heart.

So without thinking about it too much, you drove to his apartment instead of your own. You were there before him and waited in front of his door for him to come home. When he walked up the stairs and spotted you, he raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth but didn't say anything.

"I thought that maybe you would like to talk."

He opened the door to his apartment and mumbled, "I don't."

As if it was the most natural thing for you to do, you walked into his living room once the door was open and said, "Okay, we don't have to talk."

"What are you doing?" Spencer wondered as he stepped in behind you.

Your eyes found his and to your surprise he didn't look away. They looked darker than usual, a certain heaviness clouding them. "I know you're hurting so I'm staying with you until you feel better."


"Isn't that obvious?" You snickered as you sat down on his couch. He found his place beside you, still looking startled.

Your fingertips brushed over the back of his hand, inviting him to make contact. "I care about you, Spencer."

He retracted his hand and shook his head. "Don't waste your time on me"

You shifted your position so you could fully face him before you began to speak, "It's not wasted time. I know that you have been hurt before and that you have all those walls up to protect you. But you can't push me away, not that easily. I care about you, so I'll stay."

"What if I'd rather be alone?" He whispered.

"Is that what you want?"

His eyes started glistening and you weren't sure how he would respond. When he shook his head you felt relief. Spencer wanted you to be there with him, he was just too scared to tell you.

Tentatively you placed your hands on his shoulders, silently inviting him into your arms. With his palms on your back he pulled you into a hug and buried his face into the crook of your neck. His breath felt hot and unsteady against your skin and for a moment you thought he might start to cry, but he didn't.

When he pulled back to look at you, he let his hands rest on your waist as if they had found a new home against your body.

"Thank you for being here," he whispered.

One of his hands found its way to your cheek, gently brushing over your heated skin. You noticed his sight wandering to your lips, making your heart beat faster than you would have liked. When you locked eyes once more, the familiar golden shimmer had returned to his irises, radiating a warmth unlike anything you had seen before.

Spencer finally said the words you had been thinking for weeks, "I would really like to kiss you right now."

It was all the encouragement you needed to let your lips tentatively ghost over his until you felt his hand wander from your cheek to the nape of your neck, pulling you a little closer so he could let his mouth fully brush over yours. His other hand gripped your waist, the sensation of him holding onto you like that making you sigh against his lips.

Feeling him smile into your kiss let your heart flutter erratically inside your chest and you were certain that he had to hear the desperate thumps against your ribcage. You were eager to know if his heart felt the same way too, so you let your right hand glide down from his shoulder to his chest, resting it there to feel the beating of his heart.

It seemed to match the elevated frequency of yours, only to get a little faster when you felt his hand descend from the nape of your neck. He wanted to feel you the same way you felt him in that moment. With his palm pressed against your chest right where your heart sat underneath the layers of fabric, skin and bones, you felt a connection to him that felt too pure to be put into words.

You realized that Spencer had told the truth when he said that talking was not what he needed. Because in that moment kissing was so much more comforting than words could ever be.

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