✨Chapter 1✨

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I glanced at the airplane window. I smiled to myself, I am finally heading towards freedom and maybe... a normal life. But I am far from normal I thought as I stroked my palm and I recalled all the obstacles I had to face to keep my powers a secret. I again thanked Laura and Ross Steinman, my ex-foster parents in my head. They had helped me get legally emancipated. If it were not for them, I wouldn't even be on this flight to the rainiest place in Washington D.C.

In the Olympic Peninsula of northwest Washington State, a town named Folks exists. That's where I am headed to.

It was a four-hour flight from Minnesota to Folks, another hour in a small plane to Port Angeles, and an hour drive to Folks.

I woke up when the cab came to a stop. I looked and saw a small house. It was beautiful, I better call Laura and thank her again for the house. I glanced over to my neighbour's house.

Huh, it seems empty. But whatever, it's none of my business.

I took out the key to my house, my house... I like the sound of that I thought. I took in a deep breath and unlocked my door. I went inside and was in awe... it wasn't much but I loved it. The living room just had a yellow couch and a TV in front of it. To the right was a small kitchen, it had a white table with four chairs, blue cabinets, and an empty white fridge. I went up the narrow staircase, there were two rooms and of course, I chose the bigger one for myself. The room, my room was painted in a light shade of grey, it had a queen-sized bed in the middle, and in the corner was a cupboard. I looked around and found no study table, I guess I'll have to go buy one. I looked over at the empty bedroom. What the hell was I going to do with it? I guess I could give it to rent? No. I can't be that selfish, I can't put her or him in danger. I don't have any idea of how strong my powers are or what they are! I guess it could be a guest room.

I dragged my suitcase up the stairs and neatly placed my clothes in the cupboard. I crash-landed on my couch, I didn't know how long passed out but it wasn't too long. Oh! I better call Laura! I thought and grabbed my phone.

"Hey, Laura,"

"Oh hey honey, I was beginning to worry..." she answered

"Sorry Laura, I fell asleep and forgot to call you," I said

"Oh it's ok, how do you like the house? Is it too small?" she questioned.

"Oh Laura, it's perfect! I absolutely love it," I squealed.

"That's great honey, now I gotta go... but please make sure to call me," Laura said

"Ok Laura, I promise..." I said. We said our goodbyes and declined the call.

Right, my fridge is empty and I have no utensils.... I thought. I grabbed my purse and darted out. I was stopped dead on my tracks when someone said "hey"

I turned to find a not-so-old man. He looked to be in his late 30s. He had a moustache and straight dark brown hair. He was wearing a dark blue police suit.

I looked at my neighbour's driveway, this time it was no longer empty, it now had a police cruiser

I smiled at him, "Good afternoon,"

"Good afternoon, I am chief police officer Charlie Swan and you must be the new neighbour," he said

"Yes Chief Swan," I answered "I am Daniella Ivy but you can call me Dani,"

He looked behind me and asked

"How old are you?" he said

"I am 15,"

"Dani, where are your parents?" he asked

"I... don't have parents. I am legally emancipated," I said

"Well Dani, I have a daughter 2 years older than you... and I don't like the fact that you live all by yourself but... if you ever need help please don't be afraid to ask..." he said concern dripping in his voice

I understood him. He was a police officer, after all, his job is to take care of people. Little does he know, how much I'm more dangerous to others than others are to me.

I smiled at him "Okay, Thank you, Chief Swan. Have a nice day..."

"Please, call me Charlie," he said

I chuckled "See you around, Charlie" and I took off

I went to the local grocery store. I grabbed all the essentials; vegetables, meat, salt and pepper, cereal, etc., and of course, a bunch of snacks.

At the counter, I met Mrs Newton. She was looking for someone to work on weekends at the store. Perfect! I thought. I was hired and would be coming to work next weekend...

I crash-landed on my bed.

"Ah, bedtime... my favourite time"

I went through my mental to-do list

Grocery shopping; check

Tidying the place up; check

Part-time job; check

Decorating my room; not check

Buying a study table; not check...

I patted myself on the back, I had already done most of the "settling in"... I might finish it tomorrow!

I smiled to myself before I drifted off to sleep

A.N: Lets gooo

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