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We were interrupted by my phone ringing.

Y/n: One second. Hello?

Lisa: Hey girl what's up?

Y/n: Not much, at home.

Lisa: ooooo, are you with your boo.

Y/n: um.... Yeah, sure I guess.

Lisa: Cool, anyway I am having a party tonight, you should come and bring your boo with you.

Y/n: I don't think that's a good idea.

Lisa: Why not?

Y/n: Um, well...

Lisa: Nope you guys are coming whether you like it or not. And if you don't come I will drag you out of your house myself.

Y/n: But.....

Before I could say anything else, Lisa cut the call.

Jk: What was that?

Y/n: Lisa is inviting us to a party tonight.

Jk: Cool, that should be fun.

Y/n: Just don't embarrass me. If we're going to a party with all my friends, you have to know things about me so my friends aren't suspicious.

I spent the next couple hours telling him simple things about me like my birthday and all that stuff. We even came up with a fake story of how we met. It was time to go to the party so we got ready and headed out. When we got to the party, my friends started bombarding him with questions which I knew they would do. So I grabbed myself a drink while they interrogated him. As I was enjoying my drink, Lisa came up to me and dragged me somewhere private so we could talk.

Lisa: so, is that the hot alpha mate of yours?

Lisa is the only person that knows I'm a wolf. I can trust her with practically anything

Y/n: unfortunately

Lisa: Dude are you kidding me? I would kill for a man like that.

Y/n: just don't forget, you're not allowed to mention this werewolf stuff to anyone. It'll cause a worldwide panic.

Lisa: I know. I'm not stupid. So is he trying to get you to go back to the pack?

Y/n: Well, he's trying. I don't think he'll succeed. Then again, I don't know anymore. I do like him. It's always love at first sight with mates.

Lisa: But?

Y/n: But I also love my life here. I have the greatest friends, an amazing house, a job that I love and I don't know if I'm ready to give that up yet.

Lisa: so then you have a lot to think about

Y/n: Yeah, I do. But right now, I wanna drink. A lot. Like, the only down side of him being my mate, is that he's the alpha of the pack. So he can't leave. If it was someone else, I could convince him to leave. But I can't do that to an alpha.

Lisa: Maybe it won't be so bad. You can always come visit. You said your pack is only a half an hour from here, right?

Y/n: Yeah but the whole point of me leaving the pack was so I could have my independence and not have to take responsibility for others. If I mate with him, I'll become Luna of the pack which means I'm responsible for everyone in the pack. I don't want to do that. I can't handle that.

Lisa: Well, from the work I've seen you do, I think you are more than capable. You are the strongest, smartest, and bravest girl I know. If there's a right person for the job, it's you.

Y/n: no I'm not. I may be all of those things, but I also crack under immense pressure, I'm scared of public speaking and I stutter when something doesn't go my way. I have no confidence in this. I'll be the worst Luna ever.

Lisa: Don't think so little of yourself. As someone who has been fortunate enough to meet you and bond with you and know you over the past four years, I have complete faith in you.

Y/n: I know, but I'm more scared than worried. If we bond, we have to get married. I'm only 21. I don't know if I'm ready for that kind of commitment yet. Let alone have pups.

Lisa: Pups?

Y/n: Oh, right, sorry, kids.

Lisa: Ohhh. Maybe you should just talk to Jungkook. Maybe you guys can work something out. Meet in the middle.

Y/n: Have you met him? He's not really a meet in the middle type of person.

Lisa: I don't know, he might surprise you. Maybe he'll hear what you have to say and actually listen.

Y/n: Listen? I'd love to see.....oh no.

Lisa: What?

Y/n: Jungkook. He's the fucking alpha. I'm so stupid.

Lisa: Girl, what?

Y/n: He could be listening to our conversation right now. We can hear conversations from miles away. Now he's gonna kill me for telling you. Damn it.

The second I said that, Jungkook walked into the room we were in.

Jungkook: So, what's going on here?

Y/n & Lisa: Nothing

Jungkook: Really, because I just heard the most interesting conversation between you guys. So, Lisa, you know our little secret. Do you know what that means?

Lisa: Um, pinky promise I won't tell anyone?

Jungkook: Wrong answer. I'm gonna have to kill you.

Y/n: You will do no such thing.

Jungkook: You know the rules Y/n.

Y/n: I've known Lisa since the day I left the pack. The only reason she knows is because she saw me shift in the woods that night. She is the first friend I made outside of the pack. If you want to kill her, you'll have to kill me first.

Jungkook: Don't be stupid. Do you know what will happen if she opens her big mouth about us? We'll all be in danger. We're all at risk with her just knowing.

Y/n: Jungkook, I know it's easy to judge, but trust me. I know Lisa. and she would never do that. She would've done it by now if she wanted to.

Lisa: I swear, I won't tell anyone.

Jungkook: How do I know I can trust you?

Y/n: You don't have to trust her, you have to trust me.

Jungkook: Fine, but I'm gonna put a special mark on her. If she dares to attempt to tell anyone, it'll kill her before she does. Deal?

Lisa: Um, what?

Jungkook: Don't worry. It won't kill you or do anything to you unless you try to tell someone. And it's an invisible mark so no one except werewolves will be able to see it. Including yourself.

Y/n: So, she won't be able to talk about werewolves at all?

Jungkook: Only to you and me and other werewolves if she even meets other ones. And only in fictional content like that stupid movie twilight and other fictional stories. It's specifically if she mentions us or our pack to anyone who's not a werewolf.

Y/n: How come I've never heard of this mark?

Jungkook: That's what happens when you leave your pack. You miss some things, and only Alpha's are able to grant it.

Y/n: Lisa?

Lisa: As long as I get to live, I'll take it.

Jungkook: Alright then, where would you like me to bite?

Lisa: Bite?

Jungkook: I swear to-, just come here.

Jungkook grabbed Lisa and bit her wrist. A few seconds later, Lisa's wrist glowed, indicating the mark had been placed.

Y/n: Oooo, it's pretty.

Lisa: Aww, too bad I can't see it.

Y/n: It's like an invisible tattoo. Trust me, it's pretty.

Lisa: Does it compliment my complexion?

Y/n: Lisa, you look good in anything. We could put you in a trash bag and you'd still be able to pull it off.

Jungkook: I swear, the things you women talk about make no sense sometimes

The Alpha's mate} Jungkook FF 21+Where stories live. Discover now