Chapter # 19

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"Hello Clark."

"Hello Bruce."


Damien curses to himself as he watched Clark and Bruce greet each other. He was currently watching his father and the alien from his window, glaring at the man with glasses.

"This ruins everything!" Damien whispers to himself. He felt his irritation rise when he looked down at his ringing phone, seeing the contact 'Special Help' pop up. Of fucking course Scarecrow had to call him right now.

Damien silents' his phone before heading downstairs, from what he heard, Dick should be in custody of you right now.

"I swear, it's like this world is doing everything in its power to keep you trapped here Y/n..." Damien mumbled to himself. "Part of me is starting to wonder if you really do belong here-" Damien pauses before shaking his head.

"No, I won't be like the others. I know what's right and I'm not going to force you to stay here Y/n."


Dick was cradling you in his arms, humming a softly while rocking you. He smiles at you, brushing any stray hairs away from your face. He strokes you face before sighing in content, "I almost can't wait for 'The Cure' to be finished." He chuckles to himself.

"I must agree." 

Dick turns around, slightly surprised, to see Clark standing behind him. Dick narrows his eyes but untimely relaxes. "You've finally come I see."  Dick says blandly. "You're lucky that Bruce sympathizes with you."

Clark glares slightly, but it softens when he turns his head to look at you. "How is she doing?" Clark asks, "Has anything.... bad happened in the last few days?"

Dick stays silent for a moment before answering, "Other than the panic attack, and being put on 'medication'?" Dick 'asks' sarcastically. Clark stays silent, giving Dick a reaction would only cause more turmoil, plus he didn't come here to start a fight.

He came here for you.

"Ah, I see you two are getting along quite nicely." Dick and Clark turn to see Bruce walking into the room, Tim following. "If you don't mind, I would like to talk to both of you in the Batcave. Privately." Bruce says before signaling Tim to step forward. "Tim will watch Y/n while we talk." 

Clar stares at Bruce, before turning to look at you. "Don't worry Y/n... soon things will be back to normal." He smiles before turning and walking to Bruce. "I'm ready when you're ready." He says plainly. 

Bruce nods at him with a smirk before he turns and looks at Dick expectantly.

Dick rolls his eyes and stands up, placing you gently on the couch. "Fine, let's go." He walks over to Bruce and stands next to Clark. "Let's get this over with, I'd rather not spend my afternoon stuck in a cave." He pauses before turning to Tim. "Don't forget the 'medication', ok?"

Tim pulls out the 'medication' before tossing a smile at Dick. "Oh, trust me, I won't." He then turns and heads over to where Y/n is.

Dick turns back to Clark and Bruce, "Let's go."


"Why do you need to use the WatchTower? Can't you just use 'The Cure' here?" Clark asks, giving Bruce a confused look. 

Bruce shakes his head, "No, I have my reasons." Bruce says mysteriously, "Plus, I was thinking of where Y/n should stay once she's cured. I believe moving her between Gotham and Metropolis might have an effect on her mental health growing up. Plus, things might get hectic when deciding the times that we should have custody." 

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