start of the problem

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~third person POV~

At the 8 PM, Dark Cacao sitting on His bed looking at snow slowly falling, He's been on His room for 5 days there for a long time then suddenly there's a knock on His door

"Come in, the door are open" said Dark Cacao looking at the knocking sound came from, the door opened, a figured with a long black and golden brown hair peeking in, "I'm sorry to bothered but may I have the permission to speak, Your majesty?"
Dark Cacao nodded "are You alright?, Though Your door doesn't locked, You never came out from Your room for 5 days now..."
"... I'm alright Caramel arrow cookie, thanks for Your concern" said Dark Cacao
"But Your majesty, You didn't eat since then..." Caramel arrow cookie said with a worry face "will You please come out to eat?.. just for this time..?" She added
Dark Cacao just sigh "Fine, I'm coming out in a minutes" Caramel arrow cookie then smiled "Alright Your majesty, thank You for listening" said Caramel arrow cookie while slowly closing the door
Dark Cacao just stared at the door for a while, but before He lost into His own dark mind, He got up and changes, He changes His pajamas to Purple Kimono and He wear dark Purple cloak with a soft fur fabric in the shoulder
He then started to walk out of His room into dinning area, Caramel arrow and Affogato already standing there waiting for the king to arrived

"Ahh, not to be rude but what a pleasure to see You finally out from Your room My liege~" said Affogato "Hello, Caramel arrow cookie and Hello to You too... Affogato" He said it with His usual cold tone

~I'm sorry but, time skip, the King already back to His room~

He staring into a mirror, He sees the mirror as it have it's own soul and mocking Him because He regrets on banishing His own son out from the kingdom, then suddenly He felt an extreme headache and it's hurts lot more than His usual headaches and He's starting to loose balance and then

everything in His vision went pitch black

When He is wake up, He see a dark Chocolate room with a light directly if on His face making Him hard to see because He needs to adjust the surrounding lights, once He finally adjusting the nearby lights on His vision, He then realized that He is laying on bed inside hospitality room He tried to get up then a voice saying
"Your majesty, You're awake!, Please don't move yet" said the healer cookie while gently putting the king back laying down in the bed
"Ugh.. My head hurt, What.. Happened?.." ask Dark Cacao
"Well, when One of the guards are wandering around guarding the inside of the castle nearby the hall of Your room, He heard a loud muffled thud followed by stuff falling noises coming inside of Your room, and They think that there is uninvited guest inside, but when He checked it out, He already seen Your majesty laying in the floor unconscious, so He quickly called healers and the guards bringing You here, so that is pretty much the story, Your majesty"
"I.. see.." said Dark Cacao looking down

"But out of that, how are You feeling now?, Are You feeling better Your highness?" Ask the healer "Yes, I'm okay now, thank You, I'll go now" Dark Cacao replied
"Very well Then, Your majesty"
Said the Cacao healer cookie allowing Dark Cacao to go

Cacao nodded and get out from the room

His head still feel heavy though, not because of His heavy crown, but maybe because His head still feels like spinning, while He is walking He passed Caramel Arrow Cookie "Your Majesty!, Thank the witches You are alright.." Caramel Arrow said with a relief tone, Cacao stop walking then turned back looking at Caramel arrow, He just nodded at Her then continue walking to His room

~Caramel arrow cookie POV~

As I watch Our king walk away, I could sense something is wrong with Him, though, I didn't know what is it, so I just shrug it off trying not to go over His majesty's stuff.. at least.. not now, not until I could see what is going on

The King's diseaseWhere stories live. Discover now