the uninvited guest

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Dark Cacao hasn't come out for 4 hours but no one has noticed it yet

The ancients noticed that Cacao are not around but, They don't think about it much since They thought Cacao are busy so They decided to do Their own thing first before They bothered Cacao later

But then an unexpected guest came sneaking from Dark Cacao's window, because Dark Cacao or Caramel arrow cookie has forgotten to closed it

~Dark Choco POV~
As I was finally able to get inside of the castle without any suspicion from any of the guard or any cookies, I see, I am inside of Father's room, but..
His room are so messy, odd.. He is usually isn't the messy type of cookies, and I know it because He's always lectures Me when I have messy room and I usually came inside His room especially at midnight, cause I often can't sleep and decided to secretly go to Him and snuggled into His arms, and it helps a lot to get Me to sleep, because I am able to feel safe and.. comfortable...

'What am I thinking, I was supposed to Visit Him not to have a flashback'
I thought to Myself and shook My head as I look around and see... Jam?!....
It.. it's from last night..
'I think I'm gonna need to clean His room first, He seems... Stressed out..' My thought again as I start to clean His room
Minutes went by, and.. I noticed that He... Have lots of My old photos in His closet, I guess He seems to missed Me lot...

Finally 1 hour has passed and His room are clean and neat, I also managed to clean the jam

"Alright Choco, now into the plan, and the plan is to secretly reunited with Him" I said to Myself as I started to go out from My Father's room and carefully roam around the hall, hiding from the guards and staffs

I ended up stop walking as I see My old room...
'no one can enter except the king or the prince' the text that hanging on the door
As I stepped inside, closing the door inside, and I see, He managed to keep it... The same.. except, He seems just get in to cleaned the dust, but not changing the room...

I'm staring at My room for a long time
But As I was about to get out I hear.. footsteps with talking noises, one have an energetic voice, and the other like so fed up from the energetic one as it could be heard as a sarcasm tone

I keep quiet, I know it isn't cacaonian as I noticed the voice are far too different from our kingdom and, I didn't know that Father have a guest coming by...

As the sound are now gone I get out and continue to search Him around

Minutes of searching, yet, He's still yet to be found, and I'm starting to getting worried

As I walking and keep walking searching for Him, I finally see His Grapejam Chocoblade outside of the bathroom wall
I quickly ran to it as I was getting closer.. I see the soul jam flickering..
But it flickering faster than the last time I kille-..

I shook My head and knocked on the bathroom door
I waited and I finally hear footsteps coming to the door, but I noticed that the light flickering more faster as I heard clicking sound from the door
And the door are unlocked

When The door opened and I saw.. Him...

Looking more tired as I noticed there is big black circle on His eyes, His cheeks are soggy His eyes are puffy, He looks like He has been crying.., His aura are different, and lastly.. I see there is jam... Coming from His mouth

"... Dark.. Choco.. Cookie?..." he said looking at Me with His widened eyes "N-No.. I must've been hallucinating again.. ahahah...." He added while He slowly walked backwards laughing while He is crying more...

I quickly came in and locked the door, cause I think when I talk to Him, some cookies might came in randomly

"S-Step back, You're... You're not real.." He said as He still laughing in disbelief

I... Never seen My father like this before.. never ever... Especially if He is crying...

~third person POV~

Dark Cacao still laughing until
"URGH-" He fell on His knees as the pain kicked in again and He coughing up jam from His mouth, and start to hyperventilating Dark Choco caught out of guard and He quickly ran to His Father crouching down and placed His hand to one of His Father's shoulder
"Father?!, Father, breathe slowly! Please?!.." said Choco in a worried tone
But His Father can't hear a thing then
He Hug His Father tightly but didn't noticed that His Father already passed out on His arm
The hug last long until Dark choco has noticed that His Father aren't moving as He see that Cacao is unconscious
Dark Choco don't have a choice except to bring His Father back to His Father's room, as He picked His Father up, shockingly, His Father are Very light if it isn't for the crown that Dark Cacao wearing, He will be lighter than 11 years old child
The clothes are buggy to Him, just to trick cookies..

Dark Choco sigh and start to go to His Father's room and put Him on the bed
Dark Choco stare at His Father's weak unconscious body for a while before He decided to laid down beside His father and snuggling to Him then soon He snoozed out to sleep

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