chapter 1.0 // deal gone wrong

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chapter 1.0

deal gone wrong

TW // Violence, Gore, Major Character Death




A SCREAM PIERCED THE AIR, sobs and wails echoed throughout the cold metal walls of an abandoned warehouse. The air smelled of blood and fish, creating a rather unpleasant stench.

The atmosphere inside the warehouse was murderous. Desperate men begged on their knees for a chance to be spared. Laughter echoed against the metal confinements, mocking the poor traitors.

A man with pink hair and unique diamond scars was in the middle of the carnage. He shushed the cries of the men, putting a finger up to his lips, "Shush, shush! Pay attention to Mikey's words..."

The attention shifted to a white-haired man sitting atop a box, munching on taiyaki. Completely ignoring the gorey scene behind him.

After a few uncomfortable seconds, the man finally finished his taiyaki. Not bothering to turn around, the man gave his order.

"Kill them."

The man with pink hair widened his grin. Drawing his gun, he aimed the muzzle at the traitor's heads. The men thrashed against their restraints and screamed, desperate for any kind of help. The man sighed at the sight of them struggling, "Shut up."

Three shots rang out, the room became silent once more.

The pink-haired man examined his work before a grin reappeared on his scarred face, "Those who don't fit in Bonten are scraps!" He declared.

"...Make sure you properly clean the dead bodies." A new voice made itself known. It belonged to a man with a large scar dawning his left eye. He looked at the bodies with sympathy.

"Crush and freeze it. Turn it into fish bait." Another, more deeper voice suggested. This time it belonged to a fairly built man.

"Keep it in your heads, everyone. Even between us, whoever betrays Bonten will eventually become scraps too."




Lavender eyes lazily drifted across the colorful neon lights the city provided. The man sat with one arm propped up against his chin, humming a simple tune to himself, only to be interrupted mid-tune.

"Can you shut up Ran? This is serious business." The voice was laced with annoyance but Ran could easily tell his little brother was anxious.

Ran locked gazes with the other man, "Loosen up Rindou, nothing's gonna go wrong anyways. We've made sure of that.~" He grinned reassuringly.

Rindou sighed, "Still..." He broke off eye contact, "...I've got a bad feeling" The last part was mumbled.

The mood turned grim, Ran's grin faltered for a second. He quickly recovered his composure and playfully slapped Rindou on the back. "You're worryin' too much!"

- 𝗚𝗨𝗡𝗣𝗢𝗜𝗡𝗧 ( 𝙏𝙍 𝙓 𝙈𝙃𝘼 )Where stories live. Discover now