chapter 2.0 // i'm innocent

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chapter 2.0

i'm innocent

TW // Violence




SANZU TOOK IN A BREATH of fresh air. Exhaling out of his scarred lips, green eyes scanned the busy streets of Tokyo. It was quite bright outside, he assumed it was a weekend as he spotted multiple teenagers hanging out in cafes or shops.

He kept his calm composure in front of Mikey, leading the short man through the street, glaring at anyone who dared to step in their way.

Though on the inside, he was panicking. Where the hell were they? Everywhere he looked he saw people with... putting it lightly, unique characteristics.

Bumping into a man with rock-hard skin, Sanzu was snapped out of his thoughts. He harshly glared at the man who quickly scrambled to get out of the way. Sanzu let out a 'tsk' and continued walking, frequently checking behind him to make sure the short man was following.

Looking around once more, he spotted a cafe tucked in between two buildings. Taking a glance at the sign, big bold letters spelling out 'Taiyaki & Coffee' imprinted themselves on the wooden board. It was decorated nicely; yellow flowers complimented the brown and white aesthetic of the cafe's theme.

It was quite close. Right across the street actually. Sanzu looked at Mikey and saw that the man was also eyeing the cafe. "Boss, you wanna go to the cafe?" He pointed to the brown and white building. Mikey nodded and continued walking, not sparing a glance at the pink-haired male.

Crossing the street, he passed by a man with... horns? At this point, Sanzu was starting to think he took something very, VERY, strong.

He quickly scrapped that thought as he realized he was completely sober. Sanzu hadn't been this sober in months. He grumbled in discontent, it didn't feel good at all.

Scavenging through his pockets, Sanzu fished out a bottle of pills. He didn't care enough to read the label and just popped a few in his mouth. The people walking past him gave him concerned looks but didn't comment.

The effects started to show once they reached the door of the cafe; his vision started to get more vivid and there was this strange buzzing sound at the back of his head, strangely comforting. Although these effects were normal, Sanzu felt something amiss, different, but brushed it off as they soon arrived at the entrance to the cafe.

Pushing the door to the cafe, he realized the door didn't budge. Maybe they were closed? But it was the middle of the day, and the sign hanging from the front door had the words 'OPEN' written on it. Confused and frustrated, he turned back to his boss.

"Boss, I think the uh, cafe is-" Sanzu didn't get to finish his sentence as Mikey pushed the man out of the way, and proceeded to...

...Pull the door open.

Sanzu felt his face turn pinker than his hair

Snapping out of his daze, he sheepishly followed his boss into the cafe like a lost puppy. The smell of mocha and fresh pastries hit his nose, calming his erratic senses.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2022 ⏰

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