Thats Liife For You Chapter 7

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*Next Day

Ding Ding Ding my alarm went off

"Avril Get Up!!!!! Tonights The dance and you need to go to school. I heard that Mo booked you to play at the dance tonight" my mother yells as she opens my door


"sorry sweetly" she shuts the door and knocks

"Come in" she opens the door and peaks in

"Get up you've got to go to school show that teacher then you have to come home get ready for that dance which your singing at.......oh and your brothers coming home today" i smile its been at least a year since ive seen my brother after my mother and father broke up my brother went with my dad and i stayed with my mom he is about 2 years older then me and is the best brother ever we skype and stuff but thats it and for my dad i hated him he was horrible he would yell and yell at my mom for no good reason and then would leave and hang out with him friends he never ever said sorry ever!

"What about dad is he coming?" i look over at her and she frowned

"Im sorry to have not have told you sooner but........... Your father he......." she wipes away a tear from her cheak

"He what mom?"

"Avril your father is dead" she says the words stung in my head

"What? No....He cant be.... I just..... But he" i tail off

"He died last night he got in to a car crash hit head on by a drunk driver i didnt want to tell you because it would have upset you and you were so happy ever since the break up between me and him you've kind of gone........ it just would have upset you and you were so happy"

"its okay well im going to get changed get out " she nods and shuts the door behind her thats when i lost it i broke down i screamed i tock ever thing that reminded me of him and threw it at the wall and screamed some more after i was done with my break down i got dressed (Picture ---->) put on my makeup graped my book bag and walked out the door it felt like the longest walk down the stairs ever step by step i felt like i would fall then my feet hit the tile

"Mom im leaving if you get a call today about my behavor you know what to do"

"Okay sweetly see you later"i walk out the door and slam it behind me i get into my car and drive to school once i get there i open the door and hear the normal


"will you go to the dance with me'

and 'are you single's from all the boys i just brush them off not caring

Today is going to be very hard i think to myself


*Last Class Mr.Holding*

"Avril your back" Mr.Holdings says as i walk into class he still look as gay as ever with him ruler in his hand

"Yea i am" i say

"Are you gonna behave yourself"

"Maybe, Maybe not if you dont ask me stupid questions i may behave"at that point Mr Holdings takes his ruler and ponits it at me

"at the end of this ruler is a idiot and it is my job to make that change" he says to the class then i raise my hand

"yes Avril?"

"Which end of the ruler sir" i smile my evil smile


"What no fair" i scream at him

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