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((Haha more than 10,000 words!))

"Will you just learn to stop flying off alone at night?!" The black dragon snapped.
"How many times must you wander alone before you understand that it is not safe?!" The growl sounded almost feline- in the sense of a tiger, not a housecat.
"It's not everyday we discover a new world and grow wings." Ink pointed out cheekily.

"Learn to follow one of us should you decide to have an adventure. Even if you must wake us."
"But where's the fun in that?"
Now Error shot him a glare. "Are you fucking serious? Did you actually just say that? To both our faces?"
Ink grinned at him.
"That's it, you're dead." He dragged his claws down his face, pulling away strings as he always had as he lunged.

Ink squawked inelegantly as he darted away.
"I am not done with you!" Night barked.
"Get the fuck back here!" Error snarled with unexpected force, Ink yelping as a string abruptly swept his legs out from under him, another dragging him back by the tail. His claws scraped uselessly against the stone before he was loosely tied up and sat down.

Error took the chance to slap him aside with a clawed hand.
"Fuck that hurt!" Ink yowled as he was sat back up, thin scratches over his face welling up with something black.
"Good! You put us in fucking danger like that again and I might actually kill you, Ink!"
"Hey, it wasn't my fault that weirdo was there!"
"You decided it was a good idea to go flying in the dragons.. fucking homeland!"
"You ran there yourself!"
"As an emergency!"

"Oh for cryin' out loud, ya screeching is giving me a fuckin' headache." The large horned dragon groaned, wingclaws covering his head.
"Clawfell's right, it hurts." Cross quietly agreed from another corner.
"You want us yelling outside where we'll attract attention?" Error retorted.
"Please, the outer islands haven't heard you yet." The skrill snarked back.
"All of you." Night warned. "You are not helping."
"Ink needs his ass handed to him." Error growled out.
"No I don't."
"Oh, you do."
"You two. Cease the argument. It is true that you may attract attention, especially now that our enemies are likely about at this time."

"What enemies do you have?" Error questioned. The cyan eye narrowed. "Perhaps next time you encounter Sky, you may ask him. I am in no mood to discuss such things."
"But he left!" Ink cried.
"Of course he left, his psycho brother was looking for him."
"Oh for fuck's sake-" "Will you guys stop screaming?" Geno interrupted from further down the tunnel, blinking.
"What is wrong today?"

"You have a horn." Ink noted despite it being incomprehensible to the other. Error scowled at that before regarding his twin and tapping his nasal horn with a wingclaw. Geno blinked, then slowly reached up, taking notice.
"Wh- why am I a rhino today?"
Ink snorted loudly at that, Error facepalming.

Suddenly, loud clacks sounded as Fresh tumbled onto the floor, rolling until he was standing, grinning wildly. "Rhino?"
"Fresh, no." Geno huffed, covering the horn self-consciously, tail curling around one of his legs. It had become unusually long.
"Brah, I have a.. thingy." He gestured to his skull, indicating the barely floating ring of spikes. A tail of his own waved slowly behind him.

He lit up at the sight of Ink sitting silently behind Error. "Oh yeah! Deccy found what ya turned into!"
He blinked, nubs raised in curiosity as the youngest brother reached back and pulled out the book. "We found everybody 'cept Night and you, Broski." He nodded at his now dragonified brother.

Error sighed and leaned down, loosening the strings around Ink as he stared at Fresh, anger bleeding away. Ink soon hesitantly followed, specifically avoiding Geno as he approached.
"Well now they want to know." The lighter twin huffed, coming closer as Fresh set the book on the floor, rapidly flipping through pages.

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