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"Are you sure you saw a horn on the chin?" Geno questioned.
"Yep." Fresh nodded, tone the same as last time.
"And no nose horn?"
Decan watched them 'debate', the book in his lap.
"And there were several long sharp blades on their tail.." Geno hummed. "Did you really see yellow?"
"Dere was yellow."
"And two horns that rounded forward before pointing backwards.."

"I found them several minutes ago." Decan finally spoke up.
"Wait, you did? Why didn't you say so?"
"You were trying to figure it out." Decan pointed out while turning the book around, Fresh snickering.
"A devilish dervish?" Geno read aloud. "That's probably the worst name yet."
"They like to slice through things." Decan pointed out.
"Yeah we saw that." Geno huffed, glancing at Spike as the skrill lay curled tightly against the wall nearby. He was still oozing slightly, irritable with everything.

"Alright, what about the red one with the rope stuff?" Geno changed subjects. "What all did we see of that one?"
"Changewing." Decan recited, taking the book back and flipping pages. "I already found them."
"..And you said nothing." Geno deadpanned as Fresh snorted. "Brah you was bent on figurin' it yo'self."
"Well you didn't seem interested in figuring it out!"

He just waved at Decan. "He was way ahead of us."
"I recognized the antennae-like whip things. They're actually a kind of whisker that moved to the back of their head. Kinda like dolphins and whales with their blowholes, but for them it was to fly better. Um. Streamlining." He smiled, holding out the book. "They can camouflage like chameleons!"

"Oh. Great. That's not horrifying at all." Geno sighed in exasperation.
"Ey, dey spit acid. Kinda like dem.. deathgrippers." Fresh recalled.
"Maybe dragons should stay far away from society." Geno groaned.
"Naw, dey coolio."
"They are not cool, they are terrifying."
Fresh smirked, hooking a phalange on the horn protruding from Geno's face. The older brother yelped, shoving him off. "That feels weird!" He yelped before tugging on the tiny horn Fresh had obtained.

He promptly spluttered before giggling as he fell back, clutching his face.
"I wonder what that feels like." Decan mumbled.
"Well I'm sure you'll get one. They're ridiculously common." Geno assured.
"I dunno, I just have this weird one back here." He bent over, revealing an odd, thick protrusion on the very back of his skull. Fresh tapped it in curiosity.
"Funky. Ya got a small one up here too." He added, tapping a bump on top as well. Decan stiffened, running his hand over it in fascination.

Fresh then went unusually still, sitting up as his gaze grew unfocused and uncertain.
"Fresh? What's wrong?" Geno asked in concern.
"It uh." He winced at a loud crack, the spikes emerging from his skull falling. "Kinda. Hurts." His voice dropped to a rough whisper as his shoulders hunched up.

"Let me see." Geno murmured, shuffling behind him and lifting up the neon green shirt.
"Oh shit- were you aware of these??" He whispered harshly.
"Of what?" Fresh craned his skull around in an attempt to peer at what was happening.
"Pair of- okay, hold on." His now absurdly long tail came around and hooked a long spike on the fabric, holding it up so he could use both hands.

Fresh gasped as Geno tugged, something snapping before a shaky limb splayed out to his side, containing five long phalanges.
"Oh! You've grown wings!" Decan chirped, most of his worry fading away.
"Cool-" He cut off with a grunt as Geno freed the other wing. "They were literally glued together to your spine." He explained.
"O-kay." Fresh groaned, doubling over as the limbs fell flat around him. A moment later they dragged up to curl around him.

"Is it better now?" Geno asked. Fresh nodded weakly, huffing before he mumbled.
"That is not. Fun."
"Well I don't think you'll have to deal with it again." Geno gently patted him. Fresh winced. "Not there."
"Oh. Sorry." He gently pulled away, tail sliding out before he regarded the spikes in surprise. "Those are new."

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