Chapter 4

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3rd person POV

Y/n looked at the crew

Y/n- What?

Alastor approached y/n

Alastor- You have an interesting form for a human

Y/n- Is that supposed to make me proud?

Y/n said as he put one of his chainsaws near alastor's neck 5 inches away to not kill him by accident

Alastor- Maybe

Y/n still having his chainsaw near alastor's neck finally puts it away from him

Y/n- I'm gonna take that as a compliment

Y/n then moved passed alastor making his way back to the hotel as his chainsaws melted away

Husk- What on earth was that form

Y/n- I call it chainsaw man

Y/n said to husk while passing him and getting inside the hotel

Angel dust- That was hot~

Vaggie- Angel no

4 hours later

Y/n's POV

I was laying down on the couch being lazy until I saw a lewd magazine I picked up the magazine and saw lewd photos

Y/n- Damn....I wanna feel some tits

Husk spat out his drink, vaggie was disgusted and charlie was surprised after hearing me say it

Y/n- What? What did I do wrong?


I was unaware of what she meant cause I never pay attention and I noticed angel dust gone

Y/n- Hey where is angel dust

Vaggie- He is probably with his friend cherri

Y/n- Oh, anyways I'm going out to feel some fresh air

I put the magazine back and go outside the hotel

I took a deep breath and exhaled

Y/n- Damn it smells like sh*t

I go back inside the hotel to see the tv broken by charlie

Charlie- That little....

Vaggie- Calm down charlie

Vaggie calmed charlie down and charlie was calm

Charlie- Thanks

Y/n- What happened here?

Charlie looked at me and said

Charlie- It's just...Katie killjoy is making fun of my project

Suddenly I felt angry and asked her

Y/n- Where is this Katie person at?

Charlie- She works at the channel 666 news, wait why do you want to know

Y/n- I just wanna talk to her don't worry about it

But in reality you wanted to prove Katie wrong

3rd person POV
"At the 666 studio"

Katie was doing her smoke break until tom interrupted


Katie- Oh great she is here again


Katie was shocked after hearing that and it interested her

Katie- Well send her in

After everything was set up

Katie- Hello everyone this is Katie killjoy on channel 666 news and this just in the princess of hell is back

Some of the audiences boo

Katie- And interesting enough she has a human with her

The audience became shocked

Katie- And here they come

Y/n and charlie came in the studio and y/n heard alot of gasps

Katie- So tell me why are you back

Charlie- Oh actually he was the one who wanted to talk to you

She pointed at y/n

Katie- Oh really? What is it

Y/n- I just want to talk about the hotel

Katie- A piece of bullsh*t right?

Y/n shook his head

Y/n- No no it's not bullsh*t I think it's actually a good idea

Demon 1- Like we will ever listen to your dumbass!

Y/n looked at the demon and reached for his ripcord charlie saw y/n was doing and she knew what would happen

Y/n- Sorry please repeat that

Demon 1- Wow I can't believe your deaf too!

Y/n pulled his ripcord and transformed into chainsaw man the audience and Katie became shocked and Tom also

Y/n- So what else are you gonna say?

Demon 1- That the hotel idea sucks!

Y/n jumped at the demon with his chainsaw's revving and proceeded to cut the demon in pieces and the audience became scared

Y/n- If I hear more people saying the hotel sucks I will kill you

The audience became more scared as Katie and Tom hugged each other for dear life and then y/n turned to Katie and jumped on her desk

Katie- W-w-what d-do you want

Y/n- You either support the hotel or die

Y/n said in a serious tone and Katie and Tom nodded

Y/n- Good and you better keep that promise

Y/n got off the desk

Y/n- Oh and one more thing

Y/n immediately sliced the desk

Katie and Tom hugged each other tightly

Y/n- This is a demonstration of how you die

Y/n walked to the exit

Y/n- Let's go charlie

Y/n said to Charlie as the chainsaws on him melted and Charlie reluctantly followed

"Back at the hotel"

Y/n's POV

As me and charlie walked in we saw the happiness of their faces but alastor and angel dust was not in sight

Vaggie- Good thing you showed Katie her lesson

Y/n- Yes I did

End of chapter 4

hazbin hotel + helluva boss x chainsaw man readerWhere stories live. Discover now