Chapter 5

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Y/n's POV

I was just looking at the tv for something to watch and I decided to go outside the hotel and explore the city

Y/n- Hey I'm gonna leave the hotel for awhile

Charlie- Okay, be back soon

I got up and left the hotel and went to the city

Y/n- Huh this is the sh*tiest city ever like god damn bro

I then see angel dust and some 5 other dudes

Angel dust POV

Valentino thug 1- Valentino said he wants to see you

Angel dust- I don't wanna go

Valentino thug 2- Fine then

As one of Valentino's thug tried to grab me, y/n interrupted

Y/n- Hi angel dust!!

The five Valentino thugs look at y/n

Angel dust- Y/n get out of here!

I shouted but y/n moved closer and two of Valentino's thug went to y/n

Valentino thug 3- Hey you need to leave we have unfinished business here with angel

Valentino thug 4- Yeah we are having....a nice conversation

Y/n looked at me and I shook my head

Y/n's POV

Y/n- Doesn't look like your having a nice conversation

Valentino thug 5- JUST BEAT IT

As one of the dudes attacked me I dodged out of the way and kicked his face

Valentino thug 5- OW F#CK YOU LITTLE SH*T

I look to see four of the dudes surround me

Valentino thug 1- Your gonna regret this

Y/n- Haha no

I grabbed my ripcord and pulled it and a chainsaw cut through my head and I turned into chainsaw man

Valentino thug 2- That doesn't scare us

I felt someone shot me from behind I looked behind and saw it was one of them

Valentino thug 5- Your just gonna slowly bleed to death

I ran to him and sliced him in half

The other 4 dudes tried shooting at me with their guns but I dodged their bullets

3rd person POV

Angel dust looked in shocked of how fast y/n was going

Valentino 3- WHERE DID HE GO?!

Valentino 2- YEAH WHERE IS HE?!

Y/n was behind them and he chopped off their heads

Y/n- Good riddance

Angel dust- Hey y/n your still bleeding

Y/n grabbed of valentino's thug and drank his blood and angel dust gagged of how disgusting it was for y/n to do that

Y/n- Oh that was some good blood

Y/n's chainsaws melted off him

Y/n- Hey let's head back to the hotel

Angel dust- Okay


"Back at the hotel"

Vaggie- Where have you two been!!!

Y/n- I saved angel from some dudes

Angel dust- It was Valentino's thugs

Y/n- Who?

After angel dust explained who he was

Y/n- ....He did what to you....

Angel dust- I-im not gonna explain again

I have that rage in my feelings again and this time it was more rage

Y/n- You said he was in the porn studios?

Angel dust- Yeah why?

Valentino's POV

Valentino- Where is angel dust!

I then hear my phone ringing and I pick it up

Valentino- Did you find angel dust?

I was met with silence

Valentino- ANSWER!!!

???- Didn't your dad teach you to not scream?

Valentino- W-who is this

???- The question is...

The door burst open

Y/n- Are you safe?

I saw him holding one of my guards head

Y/n's POV

I saw the fear in his eyes

Valentino- How did you get in

Y/n- Oh nothing

Valentino- Grr vox, velvet get him!!!!!

Two more people showed up one guy with a tv screen for a head and one girl

Y/n- Tsk that's the best you have?

I threw away the head as I reached to grab my ripcord and pulled it then a chainsaw cut through my head and I now became chainsaw man

Vox- That doesn't scare u-

I immediately chopped his head before he can finish


She swung her hammer on my head but since it was made of metal it didn't do sh*t and sliced her in half and I looked at Valentino

Valentino- S-stay away from me

I got close to him as my chainsaws melted away I kicked him to the floor

Valentino- P-please mercy

Y/n- Oh I won't kill you yet

Valentino looked at me confused of why I said that, then I kicked his balls and I saw the pain is his face so I kept kicking his balls

Y/n- Whenever I fight a's nuts or nothing!

I kept kicking his balls to the point that he was begging for me to kill him and then I stomped on his head killing him

Y/n- Well that does the job

"Back at the hotel"

I got in the hotel and saw charlie

Y/n- Hi charlie

Charlie- Oh hello y/n

She smiled at me and that gave me a blush

Charlie- Where have you been

Y/n- Huh? Oh right I was just going out for a walk don't worry

Charlie- Well that's good to know

I walked to the couch and sat down feeling exhausted

Y/n's mind- This has gotta be the time of my life

End of chapter 5

hazbin hotel + helluva boss x chainsaw man readerWhere stories live. Discover now