Part-2 (daily life)

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Yu pov:
"i don't want to be late." yu said. As he quickly  wear his shoes.

he was getting ready for work. The cafe he's working is not far from his apartment. He can just walk there.

He locked his door and started running to the cafe but not forgeting to say hi to lily who is going to school with her mother.

"good morning lily," yu said. "study hard in school."

He smiled down at her as she got excited after hearing his favorite brother voice.

"ok yu brother," Lily said as she giggled "don't forget our play date tonight, you promised me!!

"Ok lily." Yu said. "I am getting late! Bye"  as he waved his hand at her.

he started running again, When he reach the cafe he sigh and said

"thank god I am on time."

he entered the cafe, the smell of freshly ground coffee filled his nostrils. He smiled at that. He loves the shop quite atmosphere and mostly the perfectly decorated desert, his favorite is blueberry muffin.

"hey yu." his coworker teased him. "late again!!"

"I am not late." yu said as he rolled his eyes.
"BTW richy good morning to you too."

"being sarcastic, huh!" his coworker smirked.

"You are annoying!!" yu said to richy.

"who is annoying?" another voice said in rough tone.

"Oh! Good morning boss" yu said as he greeted his boss.

"hmm morning." his boss answer as he walked to the counter.

"why don't you both start working instead of chatting." Yu's boss said. As he glared at his employees.

Yu and richy both nodded as they all started to prepare for another busy day at cafe. The aroma cafe is known for there quite atmosphere so the most customer are bussines client and students.

The cafe owner mr. Yan hao is also a nice person but a bit cold sometime.
They were serving customer as usual, richy was taking order and yu was preparing the coffee and mr. Yan hao was behind the cashier.
Suddenly  mr. Yan hao phone started ringing. yan hao excuse himself and told richy to take care of the counter.
After seeing the caller id the owner face was a bit pale and he rushed out to take call, knocking over a dustbin in the process.

Yu and richy both looked at eachother in confusion, both wondering that whats wrong with there boss.

"he is behaving a bit weird for few days." yu said. as he looked over at their panic boss.

"I know right !!" richy nodded in agreement.

Yu and richy was very confused as to why their boss is acting weird lately. And They got busy again with the order, forgeting the strange encounter.

Mr. Yan hao pov:
(on the phone)
"h..hello mr. Wu.." yan hao said Sutturting out of fear.

"Took you long enough to answer my call mr. hao" said the rough voice over the phone.

" mr. Wu, I was j..just.. going.. to.. " yan hao got cut off in the middle of his rambling. as the other voice got angrier.

"listen you shit, I don't have time for your rambling." mr. Wu growl and said.
"I want my money back at the end of the week or else start preparing for your fuenrel"

"s..sir please I beg u... " said the cafe owner feeling scared from the threat. as he was trembling in fear.

"Shut up!! Just remember.. I don't take excuses" mr. Wu said and hang the call.

"fuck what I am gonna do now." yan hao said to no one in particular. As he sigh in tension. 

he decide to go inside the cafe to continue working and think about something to get out from this upcoming danger.

No one pov:
"can't you fucking handle this small things on your own." said the infamous mafia cris wu in annoyed tone as he put down the phone on his table.

To be continued...

This is my first ever Fanfic please share your word in comment section.
I hope you enjoy reading.

English is not my first language so I know there gonna be lots of grammar mistakes.

Thank you again.

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