Hogwarts, Here We Come!

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BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! "Shut up." I muttered as I sat up and turned off the alarm. I looked to my left. "Harry. Harry, wake up!" I said, shaking him. He finally sat up.

"What time is it?" he asked, groggy. I handed him his glasses. He looked at the dim clock on the nightstand. "8:00?! Soph, why'd you have to wake me up at 8:00!" I rolled my eyes.

"We need to pack!"


"Ugh. Harry! It's September 1st! We're going back to Hogwarts!" I grinned. Harry shot up out of bed and stood on the floor, landing with a thud. "Shh! Don't wake Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia!" He gave me an apologetic smile.

We gathered all of our things and stuffed them into our trunks. My birthday present from Hermione was a limited edition copy of Hogwarts: A History. I placed it onto the rest of my stuff and tried to close it, but it was just barely not closing. I picked up Hogwarts: A History and placed it on our bed. "Sorry, Hermione."

Just then, we heard banging on our window. It was my black owl, Crooks! "Crooks, when did you get out?" Harry opened the window. Crooks flew in and dropped a letter onto our bed. I picked it up. It was from Hermione.

Hi, Sophie. I'm thinking about you, and I'm so excited to see you! I'm not sure when you will get this. Don't forget to bring a galleon or two. I know the five of us are going to want to buy a lot of stuff from Honeydukes Express. But the real reason I called Crooks over to send a letter was because I felt the need to remind you that you shouldn't forget your copy of Hogwarts: A History. You and Ginny are my best friends, so I know you well enough to say confidently that you will overpack, and the first thing you will take out is Hogwarts: A History. But I promise you, it will come in handy. Signed, Hermione

I glanced at my copy of Hogwarts: A History and sighed. I snuck it into Harry's trunk and said, "Harry, we have to get going! Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia will wake up soon!" quietly. It was lucky enough that us twins had gotten to the Hogwarts letters before their aunt and uncle. "I already wrote a note to them and left it on the kitchen counter. Now all we have to do is sneak out."

We dragged our trunks to the top of the stairs. "Shoot." Harry muttered. I took one end and he took the other, and after 10 minutes of pure struggle, we finally made it down. We dragged our trunks outside and found a cab. "Kings Cross, please." Harry handed the man some money, and after a while, we were outside of Kings Cross.

I checked my watch. 10:05. "Well, we can go inside and, um, read, or something!" I suggested. Harry shrugged and started inside. We found a bench on platform 9 and waited. Harry opened his trunk for a book and I snuck out Hogwarts: A History. I opened the book. Wait. Half these facts Hermione already told me!

After a while I checked my watch. 10:30. I motioned for Harry to get up, and we ran through together.

As soon as we entered, the Weasleys gave us a warm greeting. We ran to greet them, with me giving Ginny a hug. We walked along the platform and found Hermione. Ginny and I hugged her, but the boys forced us to make room for them.

Cedric Diggory x Sophie Potter {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now