Making Plans

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The five of us were all seated at the Gryffindor Table in the great hall, when Neville Longbottom comes in and sits next to us, with an article from the Daily Prophet.

"Hi Neville." I greeted, then looked at what he was reading. I scowled at the picture of Sirius Black. Harry just pretended that it wasn't there. 

Hermione and Ron noticed. "Ugh." Hermione grumbled. "You two can't seriously be thinking about trying to find Sirius Black! It's dangerous." 

"Yeah, but Hermione, we're in danger as it is!" Harry retorted.

Hermione crossed her arms defiantly. "I know this is a bad idea." She rolled her eyes. "But, I can't just feed you two to the wolves, now can I. Me, Ronald, and Ginny will help you." Ron's eyes widened, but he didn't refuse. Ginny just nodded in agreement.

Hermione then revealed to us on our way to DADA that she had a new project she was going to work on, S.P.E.W. She was just about to tell us about her visit to the Hogwarts kitchens, when someone tapped me on the shoulder.

I spun around, and there was Cedric. "Oh! Hi!"

"Hi!" He responded. "I was just going to ask, you're not doing anything on, say, Friday?"

I shook my head and smiled. "No, why?"

He smiled and said, "Meet me at the clock tower on Friday at" He paused to think. "5:45?"

I nodded and said, "See you there!" and we went our separate ways. 

Hermione and Ginny giggled, and I grinned as we started to talk about whether it was going to be a date or not. Harry and Ron looked sort of puzzled, as well as the fact that they wanted to change the subject. But as soon as Hermione started talking about S.P.E.W. again, they would have rathered talk about the date. (If it even was one!) 

On our way to DADA, we ran into Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle. Malfoy snickered at us. "Well hello there, Pottah. Did you hear about the maniac on the loose?" He looked at his goons, then turned back to us. "Yeah, I heard that he's trying to find you! Probably looking for someone as delusional as you. Or, maybe he's trying to kill the rest of the Potters." He laughed. "Try not to die in vain, like your parents did!" 

My hands shook in anger. He did not just bring up our parents. Hermione noticed my hands and stepped forward. "That's enough, Malfoy." She said in a low, angry tone.

Malfoy wrinkled his nose. "Nobody asked for your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood!" He narrowed his eyes at her.

But before he could think, Harry shoved Malfoy to the ground and cowered over him, pointing his wand at him. "Don't make me use this." He snarled. He kicked Malfoy, then we all just stepped over him and headed back in the direction we were originally going.

Me and Ginny put our arms around Hermione, who was furious about the Mudblood comment. I didn't show it, but my bad mood was over, unlike everyone else. 

I was going on a date (I think) with Cedric Diggory!

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