The Hogwarts Express

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We all found seating together and sat down, with the girls on one side and the boys on the other, so we had one extra seat. The train was almost about to start moving, when a boy peeked his head into our room. He was tall and had brown hair that had a nice swish to it. He looked about 16, and from the yellow and black shirt he was wearing, it was safe to assume that he was a Hufflepuff.

"Hi! I was just uh wondering if you guys had any more room? I got here late, so there's no more room in any of the other areas." We all looked at each other and nodded. He sat down and introduced himself. "Hi! I'm Cedric! I'm a 6th year."

"Hi! I'm Hermione, and this is Ron and Ginny. And, I'm assuming you know of Harry and Sophie?"

He shook our hands. It wasn't until I looked him in the eye as we shook hands that I noticed his eyes. They were a soft grey, and he had an amazing smile. I smiled back at him and let go of his hand. Ginny whispered into my ear, "He seems nice." with a smug smile. Hermione tried to cover up her giggle with a cough, but I saw what she was doing. 

"Shut up." I muttered, looking away.

Later in the ride, the Honeydukes Express came by. "Want anything, dears?" asked the lady pushing the cart. Ron jumped up and Harry passed him a sack of coins. Once Ron was done, he turned around and his arms were filled with all sorts of candy. He passed things around, but even after we had eaten at least half of it, Ron was still hungry for more. After a while, we all eventually fell asleep. 

I was dreaming, but I'm not quite sure what it was, because we were all awoken by a cold wind, with the lights flickering. Suddenly, a ghost-like creature wearing a black cloak flew into our room, terror in the air. We screamed, but then a man I had never seen before ran over and cast a spell. Well, that's what I've been told. One of the ghost thingys flew towards me, then everything went black.

 I woke up to Harry holding my head up as I lay down on the seat. "W-what happened?" I stuttered.

"The dementor knocked you out." Harry answered.

"The whats?" I said, confused.

"Dementors." Hermione explained. "The black ghost-like things. They were searching for Sirius Black." She handed me the newspaper as I sat up. Then she kept on talking. "Apparently, he tipped off Vol- er, You-Know-Who and told them where your parents were. He was put in Azkaban, but he escaped. The dementors are guards for Azkaban."

I scowled at the man in the moving photo. "We'll make him pay." I said in a low voice. "Right Harry?"

Cedric Diggory x Sophie Potter {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now