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JAXON DIDN'T STAY at the school. He left and went somewhere where he could clear his head. His powers were getting stronger and stronger inside him. He knew they returned to him, he could feel it with every single breath he was taking. It was overwhelming. Unable to bear all this pressure, he gave in.

Jaxon found himself in the famous mystic grills. The place was empty except for the bartenders as they were about to close. Jaxon walked towards the bar, "give me the strongest thing you've got."

"You look young— you can't be older than my son," the bartender chuckled, shaking his head, "get out of here. We're closing."

Jaxon clenched his jaw. He was unable to get drunk but he sure as hell liked to try. He adored the taste of alcohol on his tongue and found the one second effect it had on him very euphoric. "Pathetic humans," he muttered under his breath before looking at the man, coldness in his eyes, "just give me the damn thing then I'll leave. I need it."

"Okay," the bartender clicked his tongue, "that's it. I'm calling the police." He took out his phone while Jaxon watched with a blank look on his face. He was feeling very different. There was this constant rage inside of him; he knew what it was.

He didn't need to move a muscle to make the bartender drop his phone. He gritted his teeth, bending down to pick his phone but it was extremely hot. "What the hell?"

Jaxon ignored the guy and all the eyes on him as he jumped over the counter and went to grab himself two bottles of Devil's Springs Vodka which happened to be the strongest thing they had.

"Hey, you can't do that!" Another bartender yelled as he attempted to snatch the bottles from the demigod who only looked at him before he froze in his spot.

"What the fuck—" another bartender yelled as he tried to hit the demigod who snapped his neck with a small tilt of his head. The others' eyes widened making Jaxon smirk at the evident fear in their eyes.

"Call the ambulance!" Another one shouted in panic, "call the am—"

"— Sorry to break it to you but I snapped his neck," Jaxon cut him off, annoyed, "he's dead."

"You psycho!" The guy from earlier exclaimed, his eyes flickering to his frozen co-worker, "what the fuck are you? Clearly you're not human! Jesus Christ! You're the devil!"

"Stop shouting," Jaxon spoke with his jaw clenched as he sat down on the counter and popped open one of the bottles, "you're annoying."

The three bartenders left stared at him with fear evident on their faces. Their bodies were shivering. None of them said a word as they watched him drink the bottle of vodka, his face scrunching up at the taste before he gulped down the whole thing. "Fuck, this is good."

"I can't take this anymore," one of the bartenders, who was a woman, exhaled as she grabbed her bag from behind her and walked towards the door, muttering prayers under her breath. Jaxon scoffed at that as he watched her reach the door. She opened it but failed. The door wouldn't budge.

"Is there any problem?" He asked with a smug smirk on his face. The woman turned to him, "I— what—"

"— I'm loving the fear radiating off you right now." He said with a small grin before opening the other bottle, "I hate that I can't get drunk. It sucks."

"Who— what are you?" A bartender named Mike asked, voice shaking in fear, "why are you doing this?"

"None of this would've happened if your fellow friend here had just given me the damn thing," Jaxon replied, pointing to the one whose phone burnt his hand. His name was Max. "But no, I was already pissed. And he pissed me off further. So now I gotta punish the whole crew."

"What are you?" The woman, who thought it was safer to stay near the door questioned. Jaxon eyed her name tag, "Emma," her name rolled off his tongue, sending fear through her, "I'm a hybrid, half god, half wolf. Did you know that Supernatural beings are actually real? No? Well, now you do."

"This is insane!" Emma gasped, her hands flying to her mouth as she began praying again under her breath.

Jaxon let out a dark chuckle at her action, "Jesus isn't gonna save you, love." He ignored her loud cries as he chug down the second bottle. "Shit, I need more," he looked at Max, "give me another bottle." Without saying anything, Max fetched another bottle and handed it to him.

"That's—" Mike cleared his throat, "—that's three bottle of vodka. You could die."

"I am immortal," he shrugged, opening the third bottle, "I can't die. No matter what." He then began drinking it, ignoring the shocked looks on the faces around him.

"What are you planning on doing with us?" Emma questioned, her eyes going to her frozen friend. Jaxon followed her stare and evilly smiled to himself. Just then, they heard cracking of bones and screams. They watched as their co-worker, the one who was frozen's bones began twisting and breaking as if he was a werewolf shifting. But he didn't shift. He dropped dead on the ground, his body was a gruesome sight.

"I'm bored," he paid no attention to the screams around him as he jumped off the counter and walked towards the door. Emma immediately ran away from it, back to the rest of the staff.

Jaxon stood in front of the door, flashing them a smirk before waving his hand. He watched as they all dropped dead, their heads magically separating from their heads.

Hades watched his son's doings with horror on his face before he welcomed five new souls to the underworld. "Gifts for you, dad." Jaxon muttered under his breath before he walked out of the bar after getting rid of the bodies.


I hope you guys aren't confused or anything. If so, go ahead, ask so I can clear your confusions.

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