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"ALL RIGHT, DON'T BE STUPID," Jaxon said to Jed who let out a laugh before throwing the basketball over at him which he caught perfectly. "I'm not jealous of some new pup." He then threw the ball in the basket, the pack cheering as he did so.

"Yeah, you are." Jed scoffed, "that's why you don't want him to return."

"He doesn't stand a chance anyway," a girl, Lily who was also part of the pack said with a small smile towards Jaxon which made him point to her, "see, that's the kind of words I'm expecting from you."

"Okay wow," Jed began sarcastically, "you're amazing, Jax. He doesn't have a chance anyway even though you literally trained him to win and be the alpha instead of me."

"You were getting annoying," Jaxon threw the ball at him, "the pack wasn't happy. I had to do something about that, now, didn't I?"

"Okay, yeah maybe." Jed grunted and was about to say something when Landon's voice boomed through the basketball court, "he'll play!"

"Who's he?" Jaxon turned to the doorway to find Landon and Sebastian standing beside each other, "oh him."

"Yes, me." Sebastian grinned at Jaxon who pursed his lips before throwing a ball at him which he managed to catch, "you're on."

And that was how they found themselves standing across each other in teams. Jaxon and Jed were on one with some other werewolves while Sebastian was on the other team with other werewolves as well. Then they began throwing balls at each other, some were dodging, some got hit and were out. Soon enough, Sebastian was the only one standing on the other team. He dodged as many balls as he could, however, a ball Jaxon threw hit him in the face while another one Jed threw hit him in the stomach as he fell on the ground.

Jed slowly approached the vampire while Jaxon stayed behind and watched as he stood up, laughing and held out a hand to shake, "well played, my lupine friend." Jed was not expecting that reaction but he held out his hand nonetheless and shook his, "anytime."

"This is fun," Sebastian laughed, throwing the ball at Landon while Jaxon smirked at the phoenix's expression before walking out of the place.


"A ROOMMATE," Hope whined, pacing around his room, as aggravated as ever while Jaxon sat on his bed and was actually doing his homework, "Alyssa gave me twenty percent of my room and left me nine things!"

"You can stay here," Jaxon suggested, furrowing his brows as he wrote down the answers, "I don't mind."

"I kind of have an attachment to that room," she sighed, stopping her actions, "I mean, I've been staying there since... forever. And most importantly, I don't want to invade your personal space."

"Then I can get rid of Alyssa for you," Jaxon suggested yet again, running a hand through his hair before he looked up at his girlfriend who had her lips pursed, "you're not doing such a thing. We have enough problems on our plate as it is. Like, Malivore."

"We'll blame it on Malivore," he nodded as if his idea was the best one yet. Hope chuckled, shaking her head, "do your homework."

"Hey, I'm being serious about the whole come and stay here thing, you know?" He had given her his whole attention, "I mean, I know it's your old room and all but you won't be invading my personal space or anything. We lived together when everybody's memories about you were gone, didn't we? And you didn't see me complain."

"We did," a smile touched her lips as the memories of everything they did when people forgot her came crashing in. Hope had the time of her life with him. He took her to do things that she had never done before. He showed her new things, took her to places she never got the chance to visit. For once in her life, she felt carefree— like the weight of the world was not on her shoulders.

"What are you thinking about?" His voice broke her out her thoughts. However, her smile was still present on her face, "just... about the last few months— the things we did."

"What things?" He teased, a smile playing at his lips, his homework long forgotten. "All the late night sex? Or morning ones? Or the ones in the shower? Or perhaps those we did in the kitchen? Maybe on the plane even—"

"— Aren't you supposed to be doing your homework?" She interrupted, her face as red as it could get, "and I wasn't talking about sex. I was talking about the... trips. You know, all the nonsexual fun we had."

"We can do it again," he said, "it's whenever you want."

"Once we get rid of Malivore," she nodded with a sombre expression on her face, "we can't be out there having fun while there are monsters on the loose."

He tilted his head to the side in fake curiousity, "why not?" She rolled her eyes, "stop being so heartless."

"I do have a heart," he feigned a hurt look, pointing to his chest, "it's right here. I can show you."

"I'd rather your heart stays where it is," she shook her head, letting out a sigh, "Josie is being distant towards me."

"I heard," he leaned back against the headboard, "Landon broke up with her because he's in love with you. That absolutely fucking dick of an ass—"

"— Okay, okay," she cut him off with a chuckle, "we get it. You're jealous of Landon. You hate him."

Jaxon scoffed, "hell no, I'm not."

"Green looks good on you." She continued to tease making him roll his eyes, "any colour looks good on me. Hey, maybe you should go fix things with Josie. She'll get over it."

"Maybe I should."

"I'm serious about this whole you can stay here thing." He spoke again, "that Alyssa girl gives me strange vibes. I'd rather you stay here than there."

"Fine, okay." She walked towards his bed, "I'll move in here but tomorrow since I've got some stuff to do, happy?"

"Very," he gave her a small grin, "it's whenever you want. I'll clear some space for you."

"Okay," she smiled, walking towards his bed before leaning down and placing her lips on his, giving him a small peck, "I love you."

"I know," he placed a hand on the back of her head and drew her closer when she was about to go away. He kissed her harder, biting her lower lip slightly before letting go, "I love you."

She brushed a strand of his messy hair away from his forehead, her eyes gleaming, "I'll go see what I can do with this whole Josie situation." Then she turned around and walked out of the room while he went back to his homework unaware that the so called Necromancer was back and up to something.

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