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"WHAT THE HELL AM I doing here?" Jaxon asked Hades who was standing right in front of him. The last thing he remembered doing was sleeping.

"You're still sleeping right now," Hades informed, "consider this a dream like thing. But it's much more... real."

"How long have I been sleeping?"

"Like twenty hours now," the god of the underworld informed, "your friends probably think that you're dead. But no worries, I left a note in your hands which says 'do not worry about me. I'm with my father. Will be back soon. kisses, Jaxon.'"

A look of disgust crossed Jaxon's face, "first of all, ew- I will never use 'kisses, Jaxon' like ever. And secondly, next time you might want to inform me before doing this. What is this anyway? sleep-napping?"

"Suck it up. Anyway, you're here because you need to know a few things."

"Like what?" Jaxon asked while Hades stood up from his seat and approached Jaxon. "Like that Josie girl broke the sandclock in the prison world. The amount of dark magic inside her is insane and as you know, dark magic equals no good."

"What are you trying to say?" Jaxon frowned, "she's turned evil?"

"And she's powerful," Hades added, "no match for a god though. Remember how normal witch magic do not work on you anymore but black magic does? Yeah," he laughed as if the whole thing amused him deeply, "I'd be extra careful if I were you."

"Did you call me here to warn me or give me a solution?"

"Both, actually." He placed his hands behind his back, "you see, that girl is going to cause a great deal of damage. In fact, she's doing as as we speak. I mean, at least she's started."

"Then I should be there, helping th-"

"- No, you should be here." Hades cut him off, "an hour earlier, they did some sort of therapy shit which included some virtual travel thing and trust me, it was boring. However, Josie has turned evil now and she's been placed in the prison in the basement but she got out after rendering your girlfriend unconscious."

"What the f-"

"-But," Hades interrupted, "she's fine.

You would rather sleep this out. And when she fully turns evil, I would rather you be here than there because I can't risk an evil you as well."

"So what you're just gonna keep me here while Josie goes all Voldemort on my friends?" Jaxon clenched his jaw, "really? I'm not some sort of coward to sit this out. I'm going bac-"

"- Uh, no you're not." Hades interrupted, snapping his fingers as Jaxon felt chains wrap themselves around his wrist, keeping him on the chair. "Trust me, it's for yours, your friends and my own good. Remember what happened the last time you were hit with black magic? I can't risk this happening again."

"But I have to help them!" Jaxon tried to get out of the chains but it was useless. "Dude, stop being a dick and let me out."

"No," Hades refused straight away, "and don't call me dude, I'm your father. So here's the thing," he began, "don't worry about Josie, your girlfriend is dealing with it."

"What do you mean, she's dealing with it?"

"She's smart," Hades said simply, "she'll figure something out. She always does, doesn't she? I have much more important things for you to do."

"Yeah?" Jaxon scoffed, "like what?"

"What do you think about closing Malivore for good?" Hades asked with a smirk playing at his lips. Jaxon raised his brows, intrigued, "I'm not letting Hope-"

"- not Hope." Hades shook his head, pointing a finger at him, "you."

"What happened, is someone feeling too lonely to be up here alone?" Jaxon teased, leaning back in the chair comfortably despite the fact that he was restrained.

"No," Hades gave him an evil smile, "I've got a much better plan."

"Care to share?"

"So remember how I said if you were to get into Malivore, you'd absorb all it's power, thus destroying it but you'll be an evil ticking time bomb since it's incredibly powerful- contains more dark magic than everything so you'll cease to exist and appear here instead?"

"Briefly," was Jaxon's reply which made Hades roll his eyes, "listen. What if I tell you that there's maybe a way for you to stay back there even after destroying Malivore? Like, you won't have to come here."

"What do I have to do?"

"I'll get there!" He said, "anyways, since you're now eighteen and has fully acquired all your god side- with all the new perks-"

"- What new perks?" Jaxon cut him off and asked, completely unaware that he had new abilities. Hades sighed, "right, I forgot to tell you. You've stopped aging."

"Wait what?" Jaxon blinked, unsure how to take this information. He was glad though, he didn't wish to grow old unlike some. He quite liked the way he was. But what about Hope?

"Indeed," Hades hummed, nodding, "you get to keep this pretty- thanks to me- face and body forever."

"Anything else?"

Hades bit his tongue, unsure whether to tell him about that piece of information or not. Noticing his hesitance, Jaxon gave him a hard look, "spill."

"You can bring people back from the dead."

Jaxon's eyes widened slightly at the newfound information. "Are you serious?"

"Yes," Hades nodded with an expression Jaxon could not make out was present on his face. He bit his lip, "I sense there's a but coming."

"But since you're only part god, it will take a lot of your energy thus rendering you weak for possibly, hours. But you won't die. However, it will still make you weak so I'd suggest you to be careful with who you bring back and how many. With this new ability, don't go around resurrecting everyone you've known. It's not that easy. Everytime you bring someone back, someone else loses their life. One life for another. It's always been this way and it forever will be."

"Wait what about that necromancer guy?" Jaxon questioned, "he brings people back."

"Using dark magic," Hades informed, anger flashing through his eyes at the thought, "and he only brings back a replica of the actual souls which is why you might find that they obey him and stuff although they will behave like the usual person. The only ones who can truly resurrect people are me and you. Not him. But let him believe whatever he wants, I don't care. He's a joke."

"He is."

"And also, don't try to bring your mother back." Hades gave his son a warning look, "she's at peace. There are so many others you could resurrect though despite the fact that others will lose their lives. But it's fine. I pick and choose and I'll choose the bad ones."

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