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Cobwebs clung to the walls of the long dark corridor, surrounding the many portraits and mirrors that decorated the walls. It smelled of mold and rust, and you'd think it was abandoned, if not for the loud screams coming from behind a locked, grey door. The screaming voice belonged to a beautiful young woman, with short silver hair. She was tied to a chair, a blindfold wrapped tightly around her mouth.

A cloaked figure emerged from the shadows, and the screams ceased at the sound of the footsteps. The person in the hood removed the fabric, and the young woman immediately spoke.

"Who are you?" The laugh that followed was both chilling and beautiful.

She lowered the hood of the cloak and the silver haired woman gasped.

"Belladonna?" she asked, shock running through her voice "What is the meaning of this?" she managed to stutter out.

"I have all the information I need from you Renée." She said, "Thank you, but you are no longer useful to me, and you know too much."

"What- I thought you loved me- I trusted you! I loved you!"

"If only someone had loved you." was the cold response that the woman gave, pulling out a dagger.

"Bella..." Renée said slowly "Let's talk about this rationally- Whatever it is you want I promise I can get you. This isn't the answer."

"What I want you cannot give me," she replied, running the dagger over Renée's dark skin.

With a quick motion she pierced the blade into Renée's stomach ignoring the cries of pain.

Once her screams subsided, and her body had fallen limp, the dark haired woman snapped her fingers and two more hooded figures came out of the shadows.

"My sister has them." Belladonna stated slowly, "The amulets."

"Told you." a sarcastic voice said from under a cloak

"Shut up." said a deeper voice from beneath the taller cloak

"Bellatrix. Lucien." she said eerily "Stop talking."

The shorter figure pulled down their hood to reveal a teenage girl no older than 16 with shoulder length dark hair and hazel eyes, which she rolled at Belladonna's request.

"My sister has a son. The plan is simple. You will seduce him." she said with a subtle nod to her Bellatrix.

"I'm your daughter."

Belladonna made a what-is-your-point gesture

"Thats incest"

"He'd never have to find out. Just get the information and get it over with."

"I'm about as seductive as a cabbage- just get Lu to do it."

The other cloaked figure let out a choking noise and pulled down their hood to reveal a boy who appeared to be 19 with the same dark hair, though he had deep brown eyes as opposed to light hazel.

"Absolutely not! Thats still incest idiot!"

"Do I get bonus points if I act like I care about your feelings?" she asked him feigning concern

They tussled for a moment until Belladonna cleared her throat.

"Are you two quite done?" she paused as they fussed back to their respective spots. "However, that isn't a bad idea..."

A/N: not sure how i feel about this 🤭 

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