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    In the midst of the surreal encounter, Virat found himself grappling with a mix of emotions—skepticism, surprise, and a hint of amusement. As Manish stood before him, recounting the peculiar nickname bestowed upon him by Virat, the room echoed with a bizarre sense of familiarity and nostalgia. Manish's hopeful gaze met Virat's, emphasizing the uniqueness of the shared nickname, known only to the two of them.

Virat, still maintaining a degree of suspicion, looked from one face to another. The younger Jaddu, surprisingly composed and mature, spoke up, "If you guys are saying the truth, then first, you all need a place to stay."

The proposition caught everyone off guard. Even the elder Jaddu rolled his eyes at the youthful version of himself, seemingly impressed by the practicality of his suggestion. Nodding in agreement, the senior players contemplated the logistics of accommodating their unexpected guests.

"We can keep them in our room," suggested the younger Manish, looking at Virat with a hopeful expression. The urge to punch both Manish and Jaddu surged within the younger Virat as they casually offered their accommodations.

"No, Virat. Even if they are naive and too kind for some stranger with a weird story, you can't punch them. They are your only friends," Virat consoled himself, recognizing the absurdity of the situation.

"We can't—" Virat began, only to be cut off by the younger Jaddu. "Sure, we can hide them. It will be adventurous!" The nonchalant enthusiasm in his voice left Virat momentarily speechless, while the others struggled to contain their laughter at the elder Virat's perplexed expression.

"Vi, Cheeku, my bestie, agree na," the younger Manish and Jaddu pleaded with puppy eyes. The scene unfolded as Rohit, Bhuvi, and Jinksy couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy witnessing their Virat so closely associated with Manish and Jaddu. Their subtle glares towards the elder versions of the duo went unnoticed, consumed by the shock of seeing Virat as a teenager.

"Please help us. You may not believe us, and I agree no one will believe, but why complicate the story? How are you going to explain the fact that half of us are similar to the ICT team? Or wait—" Yuvi interrupted, pulling out his phone and showcasing a series of pictures capturing moments from Virat's debut in Team India to the most recent ones. "Look at this, how are you going to explain?" Yuvi challenged, prompting Virat to relent.

"Okay, you guys need to hide. I have a home nearby; we can go there. A hostel room is a terrible idea," Virat suggested, surprising Yuvi, Rohit, and Mahi. Both Manish and Jaddu were equally taken aback, realizing that Virat was willingly inviting them into his childhood home.

As the group navigated their way to Virat's house, the banter between the players continued. Younger Jaddu couldn't resist teasing the elder version about his impending marriage, and the elder players shared anecdotes from their early cricketing days. Laughter and camaraderie filled the air, bridging the gap between the past and the present.

Upon reaching Virat's childhood home, the elders marveled at the familiar surroundings, triggering a flood of memories. The younger versions of the players marveled at the trophies and memorabilia, eager to understand the journey that lay ahead.

In the cozy living room, Virat addressed his unexpected guests, "Make yourselves comfortable. We have a lot to figure out, but for now, let's enjoy the unexpected company."

As the night unfolded, stories were shared, bonds were strengthened, and the mysterious circumstances that brought them together became secondary to the camaraderie that flourished within the walls of Virat's childhood home. The room echoed with laughter, blending the past and the present into a unique tapestry of friendship and cricketing tales.

     (Here Virat's Mom and Dad both died when he was 15 and Vikas bhaiya is in College So no one is in Virat's House That's why he lives in Hostels.)

      "Mani, take them there. I will talk to Priyanshu and Rajkumar Sir about moving out with you and Jaddu. Don't worry, I will make some excuse and won't tell the truth," Vi assured, indicating his intention to handle the peculiar situation discreetly.

       Upon reaching Virat's house, the ICT team found themselves immersed in a cricketing treasure trove. Bhajji, Sonu, Mahi Bhai, Yuvi Pa, Dada, Rahul Bhai, and Sachin were taken aback by the multitude of photographs adorning the living room. Team India's journey, frozen in time, unfolded before their eyes. Some pictures were relics from the inception of their illustrious careers, invoking a sense of nostalgia and reflection.

      "Cheeku bhai ne apna living room pura photo se bhar diya hai," Rahuliya exclaimed, a touch of astonishment in her voice. Dev, having gained insights into Virat's sentimental attachment to his collection, now understood the captain's reluctance to jest about the cherished memorabilia.

       "Our Cheeku is a big softie. It's just that you guys are new, so he is a little cautious about you all," explained adult Manish, shedding light on the protective stance Virat took regarding his cricketing legacy.

        As the ICT team marveled at the photographs, they couldn't help but sense the depth of camaraderie and shared history that bonded these cricketing legends. Each frame held a story—a testament to the highs and lows, triumphs and challenges that shaped Team India's journey over the years

In a hushed conversation with Priyanshu and Rajkumar Sir, Virat delicately broached the subject of wanting to move out with Manish and Jaddu. The weight of the unusual circumstances hung in the air as he carefully selected his words, navigating the delicate balance between truth and discretion.

"Sir, I was thinking about making some changes in my living arrangement," Virat began, choosing his words judiciously. "I've known Manish and Jaddu for a long time, and I feel it would be more comfortable for all of us if we stayed together. It's just a personal preference, and I hope you understand."

Priyanshu and Rajkumar Sir exchanged glances, sensing that there might be more to Virat's request than met the eye. However, respecting Virat's privacy and understanding the need for the players to feel at ease, they nodded in agreement.

"Virat, we trust your judgment, and if this change contributes to a better team dynamic, then we support it," Priyanshu affirmed, acknowledging the captain's role not just on the field but in fostering a conducive environment off it.

Rajkumar Sir, though curious, respected Virat's decision. "As long as it doesn't affect the team negatively and you maintain a healthy balance, you have our approval," he added, emphasizing the importance of maintaining team cohesion.

Virat expressed his gratitude for their understanding, relieved that he had successfully navigated the conversation without divulging the true reason for his decision. With the management's approval, he felt more at ease in orchestrating a living arrangement that accommodated the peculiar circumstances without causing unnecessary speculation among the team.

As the discussion concluded, Virat returned to his home, ready to share the news with Manish and Jaddu.

     Finally ICT Family got to Place to live with their Cheeku . Now they will Start to know him more.

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