Mahi Jaddu Vi

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     As they made their way to the hospital, Virat's mind was conflicted. He was touched by Jaddu's protective instinct, yet he couldn't shake off the worry about his friend's safety. Mahi Bhai's insistence on going to the hospital only fueled his concern.

     In the car, an uncomfortable silence settled, broken only by the occasional rustle of fabric or the sound of traffic outside. Virat stole glances at Jaddu, who sat quietly, his expression a mix of determination and concern. He admired Jaddu's bravery but couldn't help feeling responsible for his safety.

      Mahi Bhai, sensing the tension, attempted to lighten the mood. "Cheeku, remember the last time we were at the hospital? You thought you broke your finger, but it turned out to be just a sprain," he reminisced, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

      Young Jaddu and Vi exchanged curious glances at Mahi's mention of the hospital incident, wondering what it was all about. The mention of a finger injury piqued their interest, but they remained silent, not wanting to interrupt Mahi's attempt to lighten the mood.

      Vi, feeling a pang of guilt for worrying Jaddu unnecessarily, decided to address the tension in the car. "Jaddu, I appreciate what you did back there. You didn't have to jump in like that, but I'm grateful that you did," he said sincerely, his voice soft yet filled with gratitude.

     Jaddu met Vi's gaze, his eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and loyalty. "Vi, you're like family to me. I couldn't just stand by and watch you get hurt," he replied, his voice unwavering.

     Vi felt a lump form in his throat at Jaddu's words. He had always known that Jaddu was fiercely loyal, but seeing it in action touched him in a way he couldn't fully express.

     Mahi Bhai, sensing the emotional undercurrents in the car, decided to steer the conversation towards lighter topics. "So, Jaddu, any plans for your birthday next month?" he asked, hoping to shift their focus away from the recent events.

      Jaddu's face lit up at the mention of his birthday, the tension in the car momentarily forgotten. "Well, I was thinking of organizing a small get-together with friends and family. Nothing too extravagant," he replied, a hint of excitement in his voice.

    Vi nodded in approval, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "That sounds like a great idea. Count me in," he said, his tone filled with genuine enthusiasm.

      As they continued their journey to the hospital, the atmosphere in the car gradually lightened. Despite the earlier tension, they found solace in each other's company, knowing that no matter what challenges they faced, they would always have each other's backs.

       As they arrived at the hospital, Virat's apprehension grew. He hated the thought of being confined to a hospital bed, especially on his birthday. But he couldn't deny the pain throbbing in his side, a reminder of the scuffle with the troublemakers.Inside the hospital, they were greeted by the familiar sights and sounds of medical professionals bustling about their duties.

       Virat tried to keep his composure, but the pain was becoming unbearable. Mahi Bhai guided Virat to the reception desk, where they quickly explained the situation to the nurse on duty. Jaddu stood nearby, his presence a silent reassurance amidst the chaos. After what felt like an eternity of waiting, Virat was finally ushered into a treatment room. Mahi Bhai and Jaddu hovered anxiously as the doctor examined Virat's injuries.

       "It's just a few bruises and scrapes, nothing serious," the doctor reassured them, relief washing over Virat like a wave.As they left the hospital, Virat couldn't shake off the feeling of gratitude towards mahi Bhai and Jaddu

     As soon As they reached Yuvi and Ro saw Vi they rushed to him. "Rabbit kya hua tujhe? Tu thik hai? Yeh chot kaise lagi? " Yuvi said As he instantly check all injury.

         Vi stood frozen in disbelief as a stranger claimed to be his teammate from the future, offering care and concern. He was taken aback by the unexpected declaration, his mind reeling with confusion. Being the independent and self-reliant person he was, Vi wasn't accustomed to receiving such attention, especially from someone he didn't even know.

Rohit, the stranger from the future, wasted no time in expressing his worry for Vi's well-being. "Vi, what were you thinking? You could have seriously hurt yourself!" he scolded, his voice laced with genuine concern.

Vi's initial shock rendered him speechless. He stood there, unable to formulate a response as Rohit's words washed over him. The sudden rush of emotions left him feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to react.

Thankfully, another stranger intervened before Rohit could continue his scolding. Rahul, also claiming to be from the future, stepped forward and placed a reassuring hand on Rohit's shoulder. "Let's not overwhelm him, Rohit," he said calmly, his voice carrying a sense of authority.

Rohit reluctantly backed off, his concern still evident in his expression. He took a step back, allowing Rahul to take charge of the situation.

Rahuliya, the newcomer, turned his attention to Vi with a gentle and understanding gaze. "Vi'bhai, are you alright?" he asked, his tone soft and comforting. "Let me check to make sure you're okay."

Vi nodded silently, grateful for Rahuliya's calming presence. He allowed himself to relax slightly as Rahuliya began to assess his condition with a careful and methodical approach.

As Rahuliya examined him, Vi couldn't shake the feeling of disbelief that lingered in the back of his mind. The idea of strangers claiming to be his teammates from the future seemed too far-fetched to be true.

"Who are you really?" Vi finally managed to ask, his voice trembling slightly with uncertainty. "And how do you know me?"

Rohit sighed, his expression reflecting a mixture of frustration and understanding. "I know this is hard to believe, Vi," he began, his tone earnest. "But I'm your teammate and Best friend from the future. We've been through a lot together, and I care about you."

      Vi's brow furrowed in confusion, but there was something in Rohit's demeanor that made him want to believe. He glanced over at Rahul, who was still tending to his injuries with a gentle touch.  Vi's mind raced with questions and doubts, but he found himself drawn to the genuine concern in Rohit and Rahul's eyes. Maybe, just maybe, there was some truth to their unbelievable claims.

"Okay," Vi said finally, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'll... I'll try to believe you."

Rohit's face lit up with gratitude, relieved that Vi was willing to entertain the possibility. "Thank you, Vi," he said sincerely. "I promise, I'll do everything I can to help you."

With Rohit's assurance, Vi felt a sense of reassurance wash over him. Maybe, just maybe, he wasn't as alone as he had thought.

As Rahuliya finished tending to Vi's injuries, he offered him a reassuring smile. "Let's take things one step at a time," he suggested gently. "For now, let's focus on making sure you're okay."

Vi nodded, feeling a sense of gratitude for the support of his newfound friends. With Rohit and Rahul by his side, maybe he could navigate this strange new reality after all.

And so, amidst the uncertainty of the future and the incredulity of the present, Vi found solace in the care and support of his friends. Together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that as long as they had each other, they could overcome Anything.

     Hello Everyone I hope you are Liking my Story just Small Request can you please give A Vote and Drop a Comment if Possible? I know you guys might be Busy but just try to vote and Comment as it encourages me please 🥺

     Also tell me any specific moment u want ICT AND LITTLE VI To have

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