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    In Our Virat's living room his ICT family from the future, along with Young Manish and Young Jaddu, gather to celebrate his birthday. The room is adorned with colorful decorations, and a festive atmosphere fills the air as everyone prepares for the celebration.

Rohit takes charge of organizing the party, setting up a small table with a birthday cake and some snacks. Rahul and Rahuliya help arrange the decorations, while Yuvi and Mahi take care of entertainment, setting up some music to liven up the mood.

Young Manish and Young Jaddu eagerly join in, helping with the final touches and adding their own youthful enthusiasm to the celebration. They share stories and laughter, creating a warm and joyful ambiance in the room.

    Rohit steps forward as Virat entered in living room , holding a lit candle on the cake, ready for the birthday celebration to begin.

"Happy birthday, Vi!" Rohit exclaims, leading the group in a cheerful rendition of the birthday song. The room fills with laughter and well wishes as Virat blows out the candle, his heart filled with gratitude for the unexpected but cherished company of his friends and family, both from the present and the future.

They spend the rest of the night sharing memories more like Future team telling them about Vi and Their moments , exchanging gifts, and enjoying each other's company. Despite the uncertainties and challenges they face, this moment of togetherness brings a sense of comfort and strength, reinforcing their bond as a close-knit team and family. Virat despite the his lack of trust couldn't help but enjoy with Team.

    Next Week

  As the week passed since their journey to the future, the ICT team found themselves gradually getting to know Young Jaddu and Young Manish better. Their youthful enthusiasm and unique perspectives added a refreshing dynamic to the team.

However, one member still remained somewhat of a mystery: Younger Virat. Despite his caution and wariness, there were subtle shifts in his interactions with Rahuliya, Harry, Yuvi, and Sachin pa. These interactions, though cautious, hinted at a budding closeness that intrigued the rest of the team.

Rahuliya, with his friendly and approachable demeanor, seemed to effortlessly bridge the gap with Young Vi. Harry, always full of energy and curiosity, found common ground with him in their shared passion for the game. Yuvi's warmth and Sachin pa's wisdom also played a part in breaking down the barriers Young Vi had initially put up.

These small but meaningful connections didn't go unnoticed by the rest of the team. There was a subtle undercurrent of curiosity and perhaps a tinge of jealousy as they observed Young Vi opening up to Rahuliya, Harry, Yuvi, and Sachin pa.

The sun was just peeking over the horizon, casting a golden hue over the cricket ground where the Indian Cricket Team (ICT) was gearing up for another intense day of practice. Among the bustling activity, Virat Kohli stood, his focus already on the upcoming drills and strategies. However, his morning routine was about to be disrupted, as it often was.

Young Jaddu and Young Manish, along with their elder counterparts, Elder Manish and Elder Jaddu, exchanged knowing glances as they observed Virat's familiar habit unfold. Skipping breakfast had become somewhat of a routine for him, a quirk that both amused and concerned his teammates.

Elder Manish leaned over to Elder Jaddu, whispering, "Here we go again. Young Vi forgets the most important meal of the day."

Elder Jaddu chuckled softly. "He's too focused on practice. Someone needs to remind him that champions need fuel too."

Meanwhile, Dada, Jammy Bhai, and Mahi Bhai noticed the situation unfolding. They knew Virat's stubbornness when it came to his routines, but they also understood the importance of a proper breakfast, especially before a rigorous practice session.

"Dada, should we say something?" Jammy Bhai asked, concern evident in his voice.

Dada nodded, watching Virat with a thoughtful expression. "Let's give it a try."

Approaching Virat, Dada said, "Vi, why don't you join us for breakfast today? It's essential to start the day right."

Virat glanced at Dada, a hint of reluctance in his eyes. "I'm okay, Dada. I'll grab something later."

Mahi Bhai, known for his straightforwardness, chimed in, "Vi, you can't keep skipping meals like this. It's not healthy, especially before practice."

Virat shook his head, his determination evident. "I appreciate your concern, but I'll manage."

Just as the conversation seemed to reach a stalemate, Sachin pa intervened, his gentle yet persuasive tone making an impact. "Vi, join us. It's not just about food; it's about bonding as a team before we hit the field."

Yuvi pa, always ready to add a touch of warmth, extended his hand with a smile. "Come on, Vi. Let me feed you today. It'll be our little ritual."

Virat hesitated, caught off guard by Yuvi pa's gesture. The camaraderie and genuine concern from his teammates softened his resolve. With a small smile, he relented, nodding to Yuvi pa.

"Okay, fine. I'll have breakfast with you all," Virat agreed, surprising everyone with his sudden change of heart.

As the team gathered for breakfast, laughter and banter filled the air. Virat, seated next to Yuvi pa, couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and belonging amidst his teammates. Yuvi pa playfully fed him a bite, earning a chuckle from the others.

Mahi Bhai, observing the scene, couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy mixed with amusement. "Look at Vi, listening to Yuvi like he's the boss," he remarked, earning a round of laughter from the group.

Virat, enjoying the light-hearted moment, glanced at Mahi Bhai with a playful smirk. "Maybe Yuvi just knows the way to my heart," he quipped, earning a mock glare from Mahi Bhai.

The morning continued with shared stories, friendly jabs, and a newfound closeness among the teammates. Virat's small gesture of joining them for breakfast spoke volumes about the bond they shared, reminding them that victories were not just won on the field but also in the moments of togetherness off it.

     Hello long time no update 😔 but I hope today's update u all will like it. Next part will Virat with his Future kids aka Harry and Rah. Please tell me if you still like it?


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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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