Chapter 1

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Allicent Targaryen, née Hightower, was during her fourth and final pregnancy; when, during the strongest snowstorm of recent years, little Eyra came into the world; the last of the sons of the queen and king Viserys I. The little one was immediately loved by all; Eyra had the whitest hair the kingdom had ever seen, skin as pale as snow, and two large amethyst eyes.

Her birth surprised the kingdom because the queen did not at all suspect she was pregnant, but as soon as she came into the world she was already loved by all except by his own mother.

Little Eyra is looking for the love of a women who hates her because she is too similar to Rhaenryra, which makes the little girl sad, desperate for the love and approval of a woman who would never be able to give it to her.


Eyra Targaryen is a girl full of life and especially rebellious, she never listened to her mother and did everything that a girl was forbidden, she trained with the sword, hobby which she was pretty good at, and she'd been seen wearing pants, which really pissed off her mother.

There was one person that the young girl listened to the most, her father Viserys, who felt an unconditional love for the little girl. 

That's why he allowed her to do everything, but when he told her not to do something or when he scolded her Eyra always listened without fighting back because she would do everything for his father.

At this moment the rebellious princess was lying on a tree reading a book, when she heard a noise:

-Who goes there? Is there someone? -  ask the princess.

-It's just me Ra- Answered his nephew Lucerys.

Eyra deeply loved the boy despite rumors about his paternity.

-Hey Luke what are you doing here? -  ask the princess happy.

-I came to see what you were doing-. Luke replied.

- I'm reading the book that you gave me, is wonderful, come on up here and join me.

The two spent the rest of the morning joking and reading until they saw Jacaerys, his other grandson, arrive;

- That's where you were Luke, I've been looking for you all morning; we have to pick the egg for our new brother or sister. Says Jace;

-You're right I completely forgot about it, yeah i'm coming-. exclaims Luke; goes down from the tree and looks for a second Eyra then Jace and asks:

-Would you like to come with us and choose the egg? -

-If it's all right with Jace, I'll come very willingly. - The girl answers and turns to Jacaerys;

-For me there are no problems-. Says the latter, so all three went to the dragon pit for the choice of egg.  

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