Hunt of shadow and smoke and problems lol

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Cuphead: bro something outside is killing everything

Morrgain: no.. oh no....

GK: what is it?

Morrgain: it's the hunt of shadow and smoke...

Embry: what? What's that?

Morrgain: something I've thought I would never see..

Holiday: translating, it is a type of smoke that if touched with a living object gets turned to ash.

MK: AH- what are we going to do?!

Creator: I mean, I think it happens one time, I think everyone's problems will come here but it will never come again if it happens once

GK: well, what are we going to do?

Embry: I'm scared

Cuphead: you guys are big baby's

Morrgain: oh yeah? Why don't you face the problem then?

Lloyd: guys let's not-

Cuphead: it's fine, I will deal with it.

Lloyd: UHM

GK: oh wow-


Embry: cool!


Cuphead: that wasn't so bad now

Morrgain: how- what-

(Flash back)

Cuphead used his special attack moved, he jumped into the air and his head turned a full 360 fast, the liquid in his head has exploded and it poured all over the hunt of smoke and shadow and it faded.

(Back to reality)

Morrgain: I-

Creator: you guys have special powers in you, it can help with different problems.... Really lol

MK: Anyone want to do the GIF or emoji battle or something?

GK: sure I'm down

Morrgain: K

Embry: yay!

Holiday: eh, ok

Cuphead: hm, fine

Lloyd: Lets go!

Creator: hm, what do I do with this book now? 


Creator: Oh look it's an idea!

Creator: hehe....


GK: Guys I feel weird

Cuphead: I feel fine

Morrgain: Agreeing with cuphead

Lloyd: I feel something wrong

Embry: same

Holiday: somethings missing

MK: I can agree

Creator: I swapped everyone's powers

everyone: WHA-

Creator: Well, Cuphead's different, since his special attacks only his finger powers are gone

Cuphead: Dang it.

GK: I want to test out my power I got



Lloyd: Its energy, GK 

GK: oh ok, why is it green?


Embry: whoa! I feel goldddd

MK: uh oh...

Holiday: I have shooting powers


Morrgain: lol, I feel strong!

GK: ha

Creator: I'll explain, GK has Lloyds power, Lloyd has no power, holiday has shooting powers, Cuphead has his specials, Holiday has the shooting powers, Morrgain has GK's strength-

GK: I'm not strong

Creator: You are.

GK: I'm-

Creator: shush

Creator: Embry has MK's power, that's all! have funnn!


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