Chapter 1: Awakening

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My name is Kuro. I suddenly woke up in this world. It's a very peaceful view from on top of this hill, I can see a river in the distance.

    I feel the wind blowing through my hair. I saw a path leading into the forest and a large mountain range. This view reminds me a lot of the medieval period.

    I wonder how I got here. I have a white coat on bluish white hair, gray eyes and two katanas on my side.The last thing I remember is... I remember going to sleep last night and then I suddenly woke up here. I have to find a way back home.

    I started walking on the path to the forest and I encountered a wolf with five tails. Its fur was white as the moon and smooth as silk. It looked injured so I attempted to heal it.

    When I was attempting to heal it there was a bright light that came from my hands and It healed in an instant. It then looked at me and bowed its head and leaped away. What a weird encounter.

    I kept following the path that led me to a large that's when I found a girl there. She had white long hair and pointed tip ears and a short white dress while carrying a bow. She turned to me

      "Oh hello...whoosh"

    There was an Orc standing in front of us full metal armor holding an ax with bloodlusted eyes. It takes a swing at the girl; it looks like she can't react. I pull out one of my katanas, everything freezes, I take this time to swiftly take out the Orc with a singular blow. I was astonished. I turned to look at her and she was also quite surprised.

    "That was AMAZING oh right, ahem hello there my name is Alizeh Queen of the elves ." 

      "Hello, my name is wait...QUEEN OF THE ELVES."

           "That's right now, introduce yourself."

        "Right, I'm Kuro."

     "Well hello there Kuro, sorry about the trouble, what brings you to the sacred tree."

    "Well I followed the path and it led me here." She points to my katanas. "Are you a shinobi from the land of Taimanto?"

land of Taimanto?

    "Hmm oh no I just have katanas. By the way, why would having a katana make me from Taimanto?"

    "Oh, because only those from Taimanto possess a sword like that."

       "Why do only people from Taimanto use katanas?"

    "Well it's because only Taimantos people possess the ability to wield the daitō effectively like you, like how dwarfs are the only ones to be able to wield war hammers with ease."

    "Ok," that doesn't make much sense but alright.

        "By the way Alizeh what were you doing before I arrived."

    "I was praying to the Wind Elemental for the well being of my kingdom. It's going to war with the kingdom of Rurzord and we are underprepared."

        "Oh, I see."

                "Hey, how about helping our kingdom, Kuro."


    "Yes you're really strong and then you could easily take them down." "I-I'm not really sure if i could assist y'all in war." "Come on Kuro I saw you, you easily made haste of that orc. Alright then I'll help your kingdom."

    "Before we get going Kuro, we have to put on these robes so that they won't see that I'm the Queen and that you're an outsider."

      "Wait, why?"

   "Well In the past we had trouble with outsiders so a lot of my people don't trust outsiders as much. Also Kuro I wanted to ask you a question."

    "What is it?"

          "You're a human right?"

     "Yea i'm pretty sure I am."
    "Then how are you able to use magic if you're not from the land of Taimanto, because I've only seen Taimantos people use their special skill and magic, but you can use both even though you're not from Taimanto."

    "I don't really know myself, it just kind of happened at a moment's notice.

         "Alright then I just had to ask."

            "Are we almost there Alizeh"

     "Almost, it's just up ahead."

    WHOA! THAT'S A GIANT WALL! What do they mean they're unprepared? How prepared is the Rurzord kingdom.

    "All right we're here Kuro."

       "So we're are we going?"

              "First let's get a bite to eat.I'm starving after all that walking."

       So it's not just me. "Here we are at The Magical Peacock Bar."

   "Hello Eros, nice to see you again." "Ah ello Alya, who's your friend there?"

"This is Kuro, he's going to assist us with the war."

               "Oh," his face went serious "is he now."

         "You don't have any confidence in him."

    "It's not that I don't, but an outsider helping us out? Yea right he's probably gonna run off with our gold like the last one did, or kidnap our woman like the other one did."

            "He's not Eros, He's different from the others."

     He's Looking at me with daggered eyes. "Why? Because he's a human." How did he know that I was a human? "They're no better than the others." "Can we just get our food Eros?" I wonder what the others were like? "Alright here y'all go."

     "Thank you." Alizeh angrily said "thank you."

    "Alright now that we're finished eating, let's head off to the palace Kuro." "All right then let's go Alizeh." "So when is the war between your kingdom's going to happen?"

   "Who knows an hour a week a month."

          "So how do you know that y'all are going to war?"
              "Oh the kingdom of Rurzord declared war." "You don't seem too worried about it."

       "I'm not as worried anymore now that we have you we shouldn't lose."

               Why are you counting on me? I barely learned that I can even use magic.

  "Alright Kuro we've arrived at the palace, let's get you set to help us."

          "What do you mean get me set up?"

                  "First off, let's get you a room to stay in." "Wait, I'm going to stay in the palace?"

            "Of course we can't have you revealed to the public yet."

  "Alright then. Here this will be your room. IT'S HUGE. The closest is as large as my house. "Thank you very much Alizeh."

         "It's no problem we have a lot of extra rooms."

    "I saw that you're still shabby with your magic seeing that you had difficulty casting light healing on that five tailed wolf."

    "So I'll have Viessa teach you how to use your magic efficiently."

             "Who is Viessa?"
           "Viessa is our oldest and wisest elf here."

       "How old is she?"

    "Hey it's rude to ask a woman's age but she's seven hundred fifteen." "WHAT, I knew elves lived a lot longer than humans, but seven hundred years! "Alright then your  training will start tomorrow morning."

   "Why Tomorrow it's still daylight." How the hell is it already night time it was bright as hell thirty minutes ago

Awakened as a primordial in another worldWhere stories live. Discover now