Chapter Sixteen

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(April 3, 2014) (Nisan 3) (Thursday)

Chara threw the wilted flowers from her father's grave into the river. After watching them until they dropped out of sight, she sat down. "What would you do if I left?"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, maybe I'll go back to the country. Or maybe I'll go see if the hybrids are still alive."

"I don't want you to leave. You're my only friend. If you left I would be all alone."

"You have Austin."

"But I like having you. Are you wanting to leave?"

"I'd come back."


"Whenever I'm able to."

"Then I'll wait here every night after dinner."

"What if I take ten years?"

"Then I'll wait here for ten years. And if it takes you longer, then I'll keep waiting. Every night after dinner, I'll wait right here."

"What if I don't come back?"

"Then I'll wait here forever."

"Even after you die?"

"Yep. Then I can wait even longer for you. So if you ever want to come find me, even after we're ghosts, you'll know exactly where I am."

Chara giggled.

"But I still don't want you to leave. I'd rather you stay. Then I don't have to wait."

"Yeah, I know."

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