Neurosis Stories

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30 Stories

Could a suit foretell death? That apparently was what George believed. In his mind, suits had foreboding qualities, especially the black ones. They, he suspected, had th...
Sala de Espera by Relatosderamirez
Sala de Esperaby Eru Ramirez
En este cuento corto de dos partes se nos muestra como una simple consulta a la guardia de un sanatorio puede convertirse en el peor de los infiernos, justo en una fech...
Obscurity  by arcega_eleven2019
Obscurity by Arcega Eleven
Obscurity Genre: Horror/Suspense Author: Arcega Eleven Chapters: 1 Summary: Bella was a recent college graduated The scene occurs in an abandoned factory An old radio tr...
The Never Ending Nightmare by kgoodwill
The Never Ending Nightmareby Katie Goodwill
A young girl watches her family die in a car crash. She finds out it was on purpose and end up running for her life. She must keep searching for somewhere safe or end up...
The Lost People by ndavid4
The Lost Peopleby ndavid4
A good plan was drafted for the people, the enjoyed it but, they were misled by a man who made them drift far too much. For a very long time they basked in deceit and pa...
Autismo y unos ojos verdes by jesusayumis
Autismo y unos ojos verdesby Jesus Ugalde Morales
Pues que pasa cuando una persona con síndrome Asperger que está en sus 30 de edad, se ve envuelto por el amor, la desdicha y la pobreza, y hay más a eso súmenle el hecho...
Poetry From the Odd One by jessietheoddone
Poetry From the Odd Oneby Jessie the Odd One
Just miscellaneous poems that came from my heart. <3
Illusion [Editing] by lydia_flores99
Illusion [Editing]by Lydia
"I love you." "How can you love a monster?" Impressive ranking: 1000 in Featured As of March 24, 2019
Neurosis by Georgekingdon
Neurosisby Georgekingdon
Broken hearts always have their own way.
Basket Case by NeverCatchMe
Basket Caseby Never
p/o/e/t/r/y / a/b/o/u/t / c/o/p/i/n/g p/o/e/m / /t/i/t/l/e/s / b/a/s/e/d / o/n/ "basket case" b/y / g/r/e/e/n / d/a/y c/o/v/e/r / /b/y / / @highboymgc / / ...
Neurosistale by neurosistaleOfficial
Neurosistaleby JadaE
It had always been just her and her father, they never needed anyone else. They had their gardens of wheat and forests of crops of every kind. The air was always clean a...