100 years ago...

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Author pov

In The Heavens of Greek

Daughter  of the two Titans Theia and Hyperion was roaming around in the gardens of her palace having her beautiful  smile on her face, she loved nature and the beauty of all natural subjects around...

One of the maid approached  her

Maid:- Princess Selene!!

She turned around to face the maid who was mesmerized by how beautiful  the princess looked...

She turned around to face the maid who was mesmerized by how beautiful  the princess looked

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Selene:- Yes...say fast I want to go around the lake you know very well I love it there 😍 😍

Maid:- Princess  you have been summoned  by King and Queens...

Selene:- Ohh! then this must be important, ok I am going to visit parents  first

And selene started running  away heading  in the direction  of the crown room to meet her parents

The maid shook her head in disbelief  because  Selene was more than 500 years  but she acted like teenagers  sometimes  and she had been single ever since she was 18 (a legal age)
Selene  never paid attention  to  her love life the environment, animals, birds,plants and trees were all very fascinating  to her ...


Selene entered  as usual  humming a tune of harps she liked ...

She saw her parents and stopped to see some new faces too

Theia:- Welcome Selene  we waited for you my daughter did you meet your new friends ( in reference to the birds and nature)?

Selene:- Yeah mom they have grown up today...I am happy to see them ...

Hyperion:- My Dear selene you have to start a new chapter  in  life now as much as we know you are more powerful  than  us both but you have to find yourself  a groom now...

Selene was stunned at her father's  request she never thought  about marriage, she was so into her world to think about it ...
She turned her attention  to the people who were sitting  on the guest seats...

Theia:- Selene you will have mate the chosen one ...we invited different  prince from the gods and goddess realm to find your mate ...

Selene stood still processing the things

Hyperion:- You should go and change princess find your mate I know this is sudden decision  but you have some tasks that are on your way in future  and you need a partner  who will help you in completing  the responsibilities  you  will  have....

THE SUPREME ALPHA (she-wolf)kim Taehyung FfWhere stories live. Discover now