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Mafia Taehyung pov
Age:- 6 year old
(Already ahead in future)

It is blue and grey everywhere. I see grey clouds outside hovering over as if they are wanting to cry out to me, share my sadness, being left alone and noone to look at is most terrible feeling especially when world around is moving regularly, for a person, today is a normal day but for me? I am not living normal am I?  Is begging for food on streets normal? Is crying to death in cold winters just because you don't have shelter is it normal? Being beaten up by older kids who randomly bully me like those small kittens they harassed last week am I that weak? so awful? so pathetic?  My thoughts are scattered I wonder which 6 year old has been through this same pain like me ? I take shelters in the dark alleys near trashcans because they are the only source of filling my empty stomach, sometimes it is rotten and feels like puke but I have to feed myself. Is God having any mercy ? Will I be loved by my mother who is non existant, a father who has left me and his duty towards his son ? Too many thoughts for a 6 year old, What does my future hold in its hand?

I left my thoughts there itself. If I think anymore I will cry again I am learning to be strong and noone can stop me from being strong and determined person; someone who will be fighting the world for himself. So, I saw this poster of orphanage who is up for those who are interested in adopting children and with the thought of having shelter over my head I decided to go there instead, to the orphanage so maybe I will be getting meal too. On the way there I saw a boy just as my age maybe elder by 1 or 2, he was there in the alleyway along with some more elders guys who were pretty buff and scary looking , there eyes were menacing cold that sent shivers down my spine.

Were they fighting? Fights here are pretty common tho alley fights are most common here because of the area mostly there are gangs that are involved in illegal activities and I decided to take different route because I definitely didn't want to involve myself in a gang fight and I being 6 is no help they can crush me in second so better choose different route.

Almost there the board sign says 200m ahead. A few minutes later I am here standing in front of this huge building they refer to as orphanage. I guess it is cause of the voices being heard till out , the kids shouts and chatters , this is it!! My life will be taking different turn today I will be having shelter,food and clothes to wear  and a soft bed to sleep, is what I thought so little did I know that it will be biggest change in my life ever . Entering the huge house like building I saw a receptionist and she was already having her eyes on me. Ok weird but I have to set myself up here anyways so be polite and kind I advised myself.

Receptionist:- Good evening !! Are you here alone?

Lil Taehyung:- Good evening, yes I am alone I am having no parents so I am here.

Receptionist :- ohhh!?  that's new you walked yourself here?

Lil Taehyung:- yes yes I did can you please take me in or the formalities that are to be done before taking me In here ?

Receptionist:- What is your age young boy? You speak in a mature way ?

Lil Taehyung:- I am 6 I will soon turn 7 in two weeks. I don't know my birthday but I gave myself one on 25 December because I hope Santa helps me.

Receptionist :- Awww!! don't worry I will talk to the lady and be right back in 2 min please be seated for a while when I am gone , I will be right back soon.

She smiled and left I like her she gave me two candies before leaving atleast I get to eat something today if incase they reject to take me in.

It's past 10 min since she went away and have not returned yet, shall I go and check her ? No any hurry from my side it may backfire, I have to be obedient kid for now.

After 5 min more I am beginning to feel impatient now. She has not returned?! Why? Where did the Receptionist go?!

Lil Taehyung:- Excuse me? Noona?

No response

Lil Taehyung:- Noona?! Are you there ?

It's quiet actually too quiet the chaos I heard outside while waiting at the gate it's not there .

??:- Ahhhhhhhhh!!

I was startled by the most horrifying scream ever, what ?? I am terrified?  Shall I go and check??

Lil Taehyung:- Noonaaa!!??

I kept looking at the passage hallway in front of me waiting for any sound but I heard loud footsteps they were like someone on run. Keep seeing...keep seeing...keep seeing....
There was a weird sound of crack and I kept looking ...suddenly the lady who was the Receptionist she was there at the end of passage, she looked maniac a psychopath and she was dripping blood ...

Receptionist:- Those children they never keep quiet . I made sure they won't speak anymore further.

This was it ?!  I needed to go out before she will kill me ...

To be continued 💕💕

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