Day 4
Ro's can camp
Roshispuffs (confession): look at this its an advantage i can use this to change the entire game
Roshispuffs: Hey danganronpa134422k wanna have an alliance?
Danganronpa134422k: Sure
Roshispuffs: wanna have an alliance with me Rafachuhu?
Rafachuchu: but thats cheating...
Roshispuffs: its not its normal
Alter alliance
Danganronpa134422kRo flor's Camp
Flashmanash:Hey mrflimflam
Mrflimflam: Oh Sup flashmanash
James: Hello Ro can meet the new Ro flor team Jacegames333 was voted out
Ro Can: Oh boi
James: There will be no reward challenge only a immunity challenge
James: 2 of your team mates have to dig to get a key then go to a maze you have to get all your members to win
James: 3... 2.... 1... Go
Jayden_boom23: Oh my gosh where's the key
Cezary096 (Ro flor): where is the key oh there it is
James: Ro flor is in the lead
Jayden_boom23: yes i got the key
James: 2 members of ro flor has finished the maze
Danganronpa134422k: Where the heck is the the exit
James: 1 member of ro can has finished the maze
James: 4 members of ro can has finished their in the lead now
Ripjawmj (ro flor): yes the exit of the maze
James: 5 members of ro flor has finished their in the lead now
*12 mins later*
James: Only Rafachuchu form ro can and Lakadium837 who is still in the maze
Lakadium837: YES
James: Ro flor has won immunity
Ro flor: YES
Ro can: Aw come on
Ro can's camp
Roshispuffs: i am freaking hungry right now
Javesanddenis: Imma trap some chickens then
Roshispuffs: Vote off Rafachuchu Okay?
Okeeda: Okay
Jayden_boom23: Rafachuchu vote off danganronpa134422k kay?
Rafachuchu: Why not
Javesanddenis: Guys i got a chicken
Ro can: Woah
Roshispuffs: Oh my gosh this is yummy
Rafachuchu: Teddyguy56 vote off Danganronpa134422k Okay?
Teddyguy56: Okay?
BlockYesBubbleNo2 (confession): I am gonna vote random lol
Ro flor's camp
Gswaggy07: oh boi i am gonna go sleep for the day
Mrflimflam: Okay?
Night 4
James: Welcome Ro can to the elimation
Javesanddenis: Oh boi
ImDexton: I think we know who's going
Imnotanoob1123: That's true
James: Okay time to vote then
James: I have gotten the votes
James: 1st vote Rafachuchu
2nd vote Danganronpa134422k
3rd vote Danganronpa134422k
4th vote Danganronpa134422k
5th vote Danganronpa134422k
6th vote Danganronpa134422k
7th vote Danganronpa134422k
8th vote Rafachuchu
9th vote Danganronpa134422k
The 2nd person voted out of roblox outlasted chaos canyon is....
Danganronpa134422kJames: Danganronpa134422k The team has spoken
Danganronpa134422k: Oh well goodbye guys
Day 5
Ro can's camp
Javesanddenis: me and imdexton are gonna find some food
Imdexton: Yeah goodbye guys
BlockYesBubbleNo2: Okay goodbye Javesanddwnis and Imdexton
Roshispuffs (confessional): i dont believe danganronpa134422k got out its probably Rafachuchu's plan
Imdexton: Hey Javesanddenis i found something
Javesanddenis: what is it?
Imdexton: its a Pig
Javesanddenis: Lets catch it
*3 mins of trying to catch the pig later*
Javesanddenis: We got it nice
Imdexton: Oh boi were gonna have a great lunch today
Ro flor's camp
Mrflimflam: why dont we find some food?
Flashmanash: Hey i am coming too
Ripjawnj: Let me join in too
Mrflimflam: Hey Ripjawnj wanna join my alliance with Flashmanash
Ripjawnj: Sure lets go find food now
*17 mins later*
Ripjawnj: we cant find food
Tygbg123: Oh well
Night 4
Nothing happened
Day 5
Nothing Happened either
Night 5
Nothing happened
Roblox Outlasted Season 1
AventuraThe 1st roblox outlasted season 20 robloxians go to chaos canyon and try to be the 1st sole robloxian and the 1st winner and get 1 million dollars