The Runaway

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Quinn broke into a run but Drew quickly grabbed his shoulder, "What are you doing, fool?!"

"Let go of me, you fucking idiot! MOM IS IN THERE!!" Quinn screeched, pulling his knife out, he tried to run again, but Drew held him back.

"Are you suicidal?! If you go out there, you'll have holes in your body before you can get to the door!" Drew hissed, he pulled him back around the corner. He ran his hand along his belt, making sure his gun and butterfly was still in there, "Okay, listen, we have to go around and go in through the back of the building. This has to be fast, we're not sure if the fire has reached them."

Quinn had a worried face, but nodded and reached for his gun. Drew pointed the way and they ran around the building, a towering wall that connected from one side of the building to another other building on the far right, stood in their way. It was made by the gang members, this was homebase. "What the hell?!" Drew had never seen it in his entire time of living there, nor did Quinn.

"Let's just find another way around, c'mon hurry!" Quinn ran off and Drew, hesitating, followed him. A wall of white bricks, about four feet tall, with armed gangsters covered up the entrance into the base. Drew and Quinn tried their best to avoid them, lurking in the shadows, trying to make their way across. When out of sight, they ran around another building and saw another truck rush past them, the apartment stood in front of them once again. This time, the back faced them, it was pretty clear except for the smoke and sound of guns and sirens. Quinn ran to the back door and tugged on it, locked. Drew picked up a hand sized rock and hurled it at a window, it left a cavity the size of the rock, and cracks around it. He slammed the butt of his gun into the window, shattering it on contact, "Over here!"

Quinn turned around and sprinted to the window. Coughing from the smoke, Drew jumped through it and landed with the sound of glass underneath their foot steps. The boys had a bandana hidden under their jaw, they pulled it up over their nose, but the smoke still seeped in through the cloth. The deeper they walked in, the heavier the smoke got, and the stingier their eyes got. Three birds walked into the hallway, they wore gas masks, plauge doctor shaped of course. With several quick precise shots, they shot them dead. Drew grabbed a mask for himself and threw another to his brother, pulling them on, they ran up the stairs to their apartment room. Fortunately, the fire was no where near the room, only smoke filled the halls there. Quinn knocked on the door, "Mom? Dad?"

It was silent for a moment except for the faint sirens, then a loud clack came with the sound of their mom's voice as the door opened, "Oh sweetie," she pulled Quinn in, "We were so worried about you boys, how could you sneak out like that in the middle of the night?!" Her voice turning from sentimental to angry.

"Mom, we're fine, we were armed." Drew reassured her. Their father stood behind her, they couldn't tell if he was angry or worried, or both. "Um, where's Taylor?"

"She's fast asleep, like you guys should've been. What's going on out there?" Dad answered, not a hint of anger in his voice.

"Gang war." Drew answered.

"Oh? Wow, hasn't been one around here since what, eleven or so years?" Dad looked out through the window, but the scene was on the other side of the building. "Lock the doors, and.." He looked at Drew and Quinn, "Take off those fucking bird masks, they scare the hell out of me."

Drew, Quinn set the masks on a table next to the door, they followed their father down the hall to a locked door, dad took out a key and unlocked it, inside was a small arsenal of meelee and ranged weapons. He took a combat knife and a SMG. He set them down and grabbed a simple gas mask off the wall, he fitted it onto his head and chucked one to Drew and Quinn. Then he grabbed two extra, the weapons, and they left, locking the door behind them.

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