Chapter 10

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The room was dark in with dim lights, some pictures on  board, some articles spread all over the desk; those all things were about her close ones only... There was a cupboard where she kept a knife which had dried blood on itself... And there was a dressing table near with its mirror little broken in pieces; those broken glass pieces seemed like they recently broke and even they had dried blood on itself... When Hayzel approached the mirror, she stared gravely into the partially broken mirror, as if she were just disappointed in herself for having done something. She grabbed a large, sharp piece of a broken mirror with her other hand and used it to vigorously scratch her other arm while her hand was shaking and her eyes were filled with tears. As a form of self-punishment, she left a scar on the arm that was bleeding. When she looked in the mirror, it appeared as though she was telling herself directly, whenever you'll make mistakes you have to pay for it by your hands... And it seemed like her NSSI Disorder was still not okay...

In the noon Hayzel got the news from her bodyguard that her father just woke up from coma; so Hayzel went to see him... She gave her father a big hug and spent time with him since she was delighted to see her father awake after so many months. 

 She was altered for him as well, although her modifications were excellent for her father. Slowly, Hayzel told him everything about what happened after he went to coma and about Mrs. Fountes... He was completely flabbergasted.. 

Slowly he was going back to his regular life... He was also awestruck by how expertly Hayzel ran 'The Fountes Group' and maintained its excellence via hard work and smart decision-making. She was also changed for him but her change was very good for her father... 

Days went by while Hayzel managed her Fountes Group and created fresh strategies for its expansion. When her father Mr. Fountes got to know about Stephen; as Hayzel and Stephen were the trending couple... Stephen and Mr. Fountes met up in private. He spoke with him regarding Hayzel. Since Stephen is so talented and sincere, Mr. Fountes already liked him, so when he realized that he and his daughter were dating, he was even happier. Stephen was ecstatic as well.

On a night when Hayzel was working, when her father arrived to meet her with a coffee, they chatted together and he told her that he met Stephen and you two look very good... 

Hayzel was surprised... But seeing him happy even she was happy and suddenly he asked, "By the way are you both planning to get married?" Hayzel answered, "I can't say anything still but maybe after some more time..." "Hayzel, child see, no matter whatever you do in life you should never cheat anyone... I had never cheated anyone no matter how much ever time I have being cheated I was always loyal and being your father I expect the same from you; I know you have changed alot, and even have faced many things... To be honest I'm very happy and impressed by your change. So now I just want you to be happy... I can see you more happy  than before but still I know you hide things inside no matter how much you smile... And you are also very strong to face it... But still one thing don't cheat anyone nor yourself... Okay...? Now I'll leave, you continue with your work..." by saying these words Mr. Fountes left... But these things made Hayzel go into deep thoughts... And the same night she called Prestyn and gave her a surprising news...

The following day, Hayzel abruptly revealed at a business conference that The Fountes Empire and The Lynch Bizarre of Pretyn Lynch were joining up to form a joint company. Everyone who heard this news was absolutely shocked and amazed... Everyone only asked one question: how? Even in front of the media, Hayzel and Prestyn signed the contract.

The Six Girlfriends group was flabbergasted when they saw the news.

Hayzel then had a meet up at their regular spot and seemed like she talked to all and had solved the misunderstanding there and apologized, they all were satisfied with her words; but Aura and Maelynn were still disappointed with Hayzel... So she went near Aura and hugged her by melting her disappointment... And then she and Maelynn came to a private place where Hayzel told her about herself and Stephen, Hayzel apologize for getting disconnected and Maelynn because of Hayzel's changed gesture couldn't say a no to her...

The group was very happy to have Hayzel back and they also planned a dinner together with their boyfriends and so on...

Everything was going well... But it seemed like Hayzel had a new plan...

And they all gathered at the night for the dinner...

Raven came first, then Prestyn came with Charles; Allie came with Edward; Aura came with Alastair; Maelynn came with Joel and Hayzel was as always late... After some 10-15 mins Hayzel arrived with Stephen...

 Everyone were shocked to see Maelynn and Aura dating; they had doubt about Hayzel that she's dating Stephen as they were a hot news...

Stephen and Joel were surprised to see each other because they were real brothers and nobody just knew it and it made others surprised too... And all were just laughing because of it...

Hayzel was most surprise because she even saw Alastair dating Aura...

Later, Alastair met with Hayzel in private to express his regret for his behaviour and to confess his love for Aura. Hayzel accepted his apology and rejoiced with him and Aura.

Everyone was having fun together, conversing, making jokes, and so forth. Seeing that view made Hayzel very happy. Just everything was going nicely.

Late at night when party was over, Hayzel came back home with Stephen and he slept first... Hayzel went down again to that basement in her secret room where she entered in...

And with a cruel smile she took her secret diary where she use to write all her mistakes... And seeing that she was just going through them calmly... She killed Mrs. Fountes that night; she called her at a place where they met-up privately and Hayzel got to know some dirty truth about Mrs. Fountes one of it was that because of Mrs. Fountes's drink Mr. Fountes got paralysis and that went directly to his head which made him go to coma... When Mrs. Fountes was going back to her car Hayzel took that knife that's presently located in her secret room's cupboard, she took that knife which was completely cleaned and sharp and slowly went towards Mrs. Fountes and smoothly and slowly with the knife cut her neck... Which caused Mrs. Fountes die immediately. She was then taken to her car and kept there as though she had just been in an accident. Hayzel broke the car's glasses there and took a piece of broken glass and put some of Mrs. Fountes' blood on it. She then kept the sharp edge of the piece of glass close to her neck as though the accident had just scratched her neck and caused her to pass away... Hayzel cleared all the proofs near and she left the car...  Hayzel was wearing gloves so there was no chance for her fingerprints...

Secondly, Hayzel was the one who purposefully brought down Prestyn's entire organization. She also caused Aura to lose part of her significant piano competition, as well as causing Maelynn's brand to suffer greatly. Nobody knows why she did it, and her unspoken truths are still secrets.

"When someone has a lot to protect they have a lot to hide..."

-The End-  

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