Chapter 6

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As time passed, the land underneath the dragon, whose name turned out to be Flightmare, turned into a beach that turned to water. Throughout the ride, the group discovered new things that they had never known about themselves. For example, Ember wasn't too fond of being surrounded by water.

"Why did I agree to this?" She asked, "My name literally means fire. I should not be surrounded by water. What if I fall in and I evaporate?'

"Ember you know it doesn't work that way," Stella explained rubbing her temples. "First of all, we've gone to the beach 3 times a year since we were 6 and nothing like that has ever happened to you... well maybe occasionally a little bit of steam. But that's it!" She added as she saw the look of horror that had appeared on her sister's face when she didn't hear the sarcasm. "Secondly, there are seats on this dragon with saddle harnesses, so maybe if you stop flailing your arms around, you would feel safer."

"You're right it is more comfortable," Said Ember as she grasped the handle on her seat. After about 5 minutes of peace, Nigel decided that it would be best to entertain the group with fun facts.

"Did you know more twins are being born now than ever before?" asked Nigel

"No," said Stella as she rolled her eyes, "Had no idea"

"Did you know a narwhal's tusk reveals its past living conditions?"


"Did you know the severed head of a sea slug can grow a whole new body"


"Yeah," said Nigel not realizing the sarcasm, "Did you know many feet bones don't harden until you're an adult?"

"Did you know that a quiet ride across the ocean can prevent insanity?" Called Professor Flackons from the front of Flighmare. Nigel fell silent and suddenly found the ocean under them to be extremely interesting. "Children, if you look ahead, you will find Flackons Academy awaiting you."

It was nothing like how Stella had imagined it. It was unlike the flat grounds of her old school. This was a beautiful field with a lake and trees that stretched miles on top of a mountain with snow at the top, appearing golden as the sun set over the peaks. And upon the mountain across one of the slopes, a giant castle made of stone. 4 towers are attached to the 4 corners of the castle. And on the highest point of the slope a tall tower taller than any other. The topmost tower, had a flag, divided into fours, and in the center a star. In Front of the castle was a courtyard and even from far away, Stella; could see the heads and bodies of the hundreds of students.

"Great," She said, "So much for arriving without attention"

"Oh god," said Nigel, "You guys sure you don't want to turn back?"

"Too late Nigel," Said Ember, "This is good. New teachers and new students who don't know our reputation. They won't know what's coming"

"Oh no, not another prank war." Said Stella with a look of exhaustion on her face.

Slowly Flightmare swept down and landed in the courtyard. Nigel, clearly looking to impress his new peers, used his wind powers to levitate and float down. Ember and Stella carefully slipped off and as Stella looked around she noticed that most of the students did not look at them in disgust but more in amazement just like she had looked at the castle. Professor Flackons then leads them to a student with the zodiac sign cancer.

"Stella, Ember, Nigel, this is Peter." Said Flackons. "Peter will now give you the formal tour whilst I dismiss my other students. To your common rooms students."' He said to the other students and with a flick of his wand he sent their bags whizzing up into the castle. A  boy about 12 walked up to the group. He had honey-brown hair and deep blue eyes. He wore a black uniform with blue trim. Stella thought he was cute.

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