Chapter 1

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"Very good Axl!"Albert Flackons was training a small baby dragon black as the night with sapphire eyes. Flackons was teaching Axl how to spout fire at a target when the dragon's head tilted up into the air followed by the rest of his body. "What is it, boy?" he said as Axl flew towards the river, but his question was cut short when he saw a small child sleeping soundly.

"What in Merlin's name?" He took the child from the basket. As he did a bright glow of emerald green fell from the baby and back into the basket. He knelt to pick up the mystery object he noticed that it was a necklace. On the back read an engraving. "Estella? It can't be possible."

"But what do we do with the child?" Mrs. Alvero asked. "If this child is truly who we think she is, then why trust her with us?"

"Because it's what's best for her. Emily, you were best friends with Sarah, and I know Sarah would trust no one with the responsibility of her daughter than with her."

"We don't know if this is even her daughter." Mr. Alvero protested.

"Dustin, have you had a moment to take a look at the child?" Flackons said, indicating to Stella sleeping soundly in a crib, "If you did you would have seen the uncanny resemblance between the two. Not to mention the fact that this child practically lights up the room." Mr. and Mrs. Alvero looked at Stella to see that Albert was right. It was as if Stella was a night light that lit up the entire room. "We all know that Emily possessed powers no one else did, as did her mother and her mother before that. Not to mention that the only ones who knew of her powers are either in this room or dead."

"Even so," said Mr. Alvero, struggling to find an argument, "How do we know for certain-"

"I went to the castle," Flackons said, "Sarah and Andrews's castle. Or the one they inherited at least. I found both of them, and all the guards, everyone, encased in stone. As well as a thick fog surrounding the castle, most likely put in place by Sarah. I'm sure you remember such a spell, Emily?"

"Year 3 at the Academy." Mrs. Alvero smiled as she thought of the memory. "Sarah and I were in trouble because we skipped class. She used her powers to remove the light surrounding us."

"Precisely," Flackons said. "I also happened to find this." Flackons pulled a folded piece of paper from the pocket of his robes. "A letter addressed to you, Emily. It seems Sarah and Andrew were anticipating their death for quite some time."

Flackons handed Mrs. Alvero an envelope and left the room. She opened the letter and cried silent tears as the memories came flooding back.

E, If you're reading this it means I was right in my suspicions. But before I can rest peacefully I must confess. You were right, that night when we were hiding from the professors in our third year. I denied it but you were right. I know we fought before and you're probably still mad at me but I hope you can leave that in the past. I have one request, take care of my daughter, raise her as your own- along with your twins (congratulations by the way)- tell her about me and Andi when the time is right (you'll know), and never tell her of her heritage, she will find out on her own. Take care of my princess.

Forever your best friend, Sunny.

Mrs. Alvero finished reading and looked up with tears in her eyes as she looked over at her husband.

"We can't-," Mr. Alvero said.

"We have to," Mrs. Alvero interrupted.

"How do we know it wasn't placed there? What if it was the same thing that killed Sarah and Andrew?" Mr. Alvero protested

"She called me 'E'," Mrs. Alvero said pointing to the letter, "Only she called me that, and she signed it 'Sunny' which was my nickname for her." She sighed as she handed the letter to her husband. "And she said she was right."

"Right about what?" Mr. Alvero asked with no hint of accusation this time.

"I was always suspicious about where Sarah's powers came from and when I found out that years ago the royal family had the power of light, I confronted her. She denied it, but now," Mrs. Alvero looked over at Stella, light still radiating off of her, "I realize that she was right. We got into a fight during our last year at the Academy. I owe it to her."

Realizing that he was fighting a pointless battle, Mr. Alvero looked over at his wife, "Alright, we'll take her in."

Mrs. Alvero smiled as she walked towards the crib and looked down at a sleeping Stella. "Welcome to the family," she whispered. "Princess Stella."

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