17 - I found the author!

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After collecting around 5 flags, me and Seungmin went out of the forest, happy about our accomplishment.

We went to give our flags to the teacher but Seungmin was snatched away from me by chan saying he needed some help from Seungmin.

Sulking I went towards the teacher and gave her the flags. She praised our team, saying things like ' You have the most flags yet. ' and ' I'm proud of you for your bravery. ' but I didn't pay any heed and went back to sulking in a corner.

I looked around to see people hanging out with their friends, some people celebrating for finding flags, some couples making out in a corner where they think no one will see. But little did they know that they had an audience.

Having enough of loneliness I stood up and marched towards the back of the building where I saw Seungmin and chan walking off. I glanced around trying to see a cherry haired, puppy like human or a blonde Australian kangaroo.

Suddenly I heard some voices coming from the storage room. (Not the unholy kind, y'all need to bleach your brain) I stepped closer trying to decipher what they were talking about.

" You can't do it chan! " I could hear seungmin talking to someone that was none other than chan.

" Why can't I? This is my story and if someone tries to change it I won't let that person be a part of this story. " Chan replied.

" But that's why we brought her here didn't we? "
I was confused about what seungmin was talking about. And who did they bring into this story? Me?

" It was you who forced me to. I never wanted the story to change. " Chan sounded angry. I stood there still trying to figure out what they were talking about.

" So you'll let them suffer? You know how Minho and Jisung love each other. They're our best friends we can't give them a sad ending. " Seungmin sounded hurt.

" I know but I'm the author, the readers won't like it. " Chan replied with a hint of guilt. I was shocked, surprised, spooked all at once. I didn't move a muscle trying to process everything. 'Chan is the author?!'

" You said you'll give her a chance. If she changes the story to a happy ending you will let her because I believe in hari, she can make it a beautiful story. " Seungmin said. I was having a mental breakdown with all the new information I just gathered.

' So chan is the author and he brought me into this story due to Seungmin's request, but how? And why? '
I had millions of questions in my head, I needed answers without thinking any further I slammed the door open.
' SuRprIse~ '

I wanted to say but held back when they both looked at me as a deer caught in headlight.

" So wanna explain it to me? " I asked raising an eye brow. Both males looked towards each other trying to escape the situation. Chan opened his mouth probably to give some excuse but I beat him to it.
" I know you're the author and you brought me here so no need to lie. "

Chan closed his mouth and Seungmin looked out of words.

Chan sighed and gestured me to come in. I stepped inside and closed the door.

" You already know I'm the author but lemme officially introduced myself. I'm bang Christopher Chan, the author of Love to Hate Or L2H how you youngsters would like to call. "

" You sound like an oldie. " Chan ignored Seungmin's comment and continued.

" I'm 20, and go to Yeongwha high school. " Chan waited for me to process his words and when I fully heard him, my eyes widened in surprise.

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