Face Off With the Hero Killer

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So it's been 2 day and you are wearing your hero costume with your visor open reveling your face and walking on the street with Ryuko. Every civilian that passes turn to look at them and especially you.

Civilian 1: Hey! That's Ryukyu and who's with her?

Civilian 2: That's the kid that won in the sport festival and the real CEO of Cyber Industries.

Civilian 1: Really! And he interning with the No. 5 hero!

Girl 1: He look so handsome! and kinda cute too!

Girl 2: Call us!!

You just gave them a small wave and roll you eyes.

Ryuko: You seem kinda calm about this Yosuke.

Y/N: Yes I'am keeping a calm and cooled mind is required to be a good hero.

Then your earpiece started beeping as you answered it you tell Ryuko that there a hostage situation close to you. You 2 rush over their and as the officer in charge what's the situation.

Head Officer: The situation is that their 5 villain and they have 12 hostages. Then want their demands here with in the next hour but their demands won't get here on time.

Y/N: Have you identified who and what are the villains quirk?

Head Officer: Yes their leader has a fire quirk the others have a scorpion tail, hammer hands, Hacking, and Hand Gun.

Y/N: Nothing to bad Ryukyu mind it I can do this solo.

Ryuko: What are you talking about we need to wait for a Pro that can handle thi--

She turns but you were already gone. No more the 2 minutes pass by as all the hostage exited the bank as you also exited with the villains restrained and all tied up.

Ryuko: What were you thinking you could have put the hostages in danger!

Y/N: But I didn't what matters now is that their safe and the villains are behind bars.

Ryuko: "Sigh" For a U.A. you act more of a true hero then most Pros.

Then got a call form your informant named I".

Y/N: Please excuse me. I need to take this call.

You when away from Ryuko and cop so they can't hear you.

Y/N On The Phone: You got anything good I"?

I" On The Phone: "Yup" But is gonna cost you about 50,000 for this info.

Y/N On The Phone: I" I told you once if your info is good then I'll pay you but if it's bad I can always rat you out and look for a new one. So just say what it is about and I may consider giving you your pay.

I" On The Phone: It's about the hero killer stain and where he might hit again.

The the Informant got a message that he got 50,000 in his back account .

Y/N On The Phone: Aright where will he hit?

I" On The Phone: The word is that he's gonna hit in HOSU City.

Y/N On The Phone: As long as you give me good info I" I'll you get paid.

I" On The Phone: Thanks again boos.

Y/N: Ryukyu!

Ryuko: What is it's Yosuke.

Y/N: I may just know where the hero killer might hit.

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