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When Yoongi returned back home from the studio, he didn't expect to see anyone awake, considering it was almost midnight and the boys were really tired after dance practice that evening.

"Jungkook? Are you okay?" he questioned, placing a hand on the younger's back, startling the boy from his train of thoughts and causing him to look up at the older.

Yoongi frowned when he saw the younger's tear-filled eyes, immediately going into protective mode.

"What's got you all upset, Jungkook?"

The gentle tone of Yoongi's voice made Jungkook break down completely. His sobs filled the kitchen and Yoongi immediately gathered the distressed maknae in his arms, rubbing comforting circles on his back. They remained that way for a few minutes before Jungkook calmed down enough to speak.

"I-I'm s-sorry, hyung," he said, in between hiccups, "I'm s-sorry I'm not n-normal."

"Kook, what do you mean? Have you been reading hate comments again? You know they aren't true," Yoongi spoke, but the younger shook his head.

"Did someone say something to you? Did you argue with one of the boys?"

Another head shake.

"Kook, look at me," Yoongi said, gently pulling the maknae, whose face was buried in his chest, to look at him. Concerned black eyes met tear-filled brown ones. "What happened?"

"I-I...You'll h-hate m-me, hyung."

"We both know that is not true. Now tell me what is it that's bothering you?"

"I-I'm g-gay," Jungkook choked out, hiding his face in Yoongi's chest once again, a strangled sob escaped his lips, "and I'm s-sorry, h-hyung."

"Kookie, listen to me very carefully. I don't know what led you to think that I would hate you for being gay, but if it's because of something I did or said, then I'm sorry," Yoongi spoke, making Jungkook face him once again, "It's completely normal, Jungkook. You are allowed to love whoever you wish and we are no one to judge you for that. I think it's really brave of you to tell me that. I'm proud of you, Kookie."

"You don't hate me?" Jungkook asked, quietly, looking at Yoongi with wide eyes.

"Aish, you brat! Weren't you listening to anything I just said? Of course, I don't hate you," Yoongi smiled, wiping Jungkook's tears with his thumbs, " Now stop crying"


Yoongi hummed in response.

"I-I'm scared to tell the rest. Could you please keep this a secret?"

"Of course, Jungkookie. Whenever you're ready. Hyung is here for you if you ever need help," Yoongi said, ruffling the younger's hair.

"Thank you, hyung," Jungkook whispered, burying his face in the older's neck as the other rubbed his back, soothingly.

To be continued

Raindrops And Confessions // Jikook [✓]Where stories live. Discover now