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He had to apologise immediately. Grabbing his bag, he quickly ran out of the studio.

It was raining heavily. The sound of thunder rumbling reached his ears. He didn't have an umbrella, but at this moment, he really didn't care. He had to find Jimin.

He ran blindly for a minute or two, choking on sobs, when he suddenly realised he didn't know where he was. There was not a soul in sight. He felt panic settle in and looked around frantically.

He needed to speak to Jimin, and he did the one thing he could think of. He pulled out his phone and dialed Jimin's number.

Jimin had almost reached the house after walking in the rain for 20 minutes when his phone rang. He pulled out his phone to see Jungkook's name flash across the screen. With the fight still fresh in his mind, he huffed and decided to ignore it, but a part of him was really worried about leaving Jungkook alone in the studio.
He sighed and picked up the call but before he could say a word, the sound of harsh breathing and choked sobs reached his ears.

"Jimin-hyung, I'm s-so sorry."

"I said don't call me," Jimin growled into the phone.

He didn't get a response, but he could hear Jungkook sobbing and coughing into the phone, and it broke his heart.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he asked, "Where are you?"

"I-I don't know,"  he heard Jungkook say in between sobs.

Now Jimin was definitely worried. He felt all the anger drain out of him.

"Tell me where you are, I'll come get you," Jimin said, concern evident in his voice.

"H-hyung, there's a taxi here. I'll meet you back home."

"Alright Kookie, I'll wait for you," Jimin spoke into the phone before disconnecting the call.

He sighed.

He couldn't stay mad at Jungkook, no matter what the younger did and he couldn't help but worry about him. He stood outside the house for what seemed like an hour before a taxi pulled up at the side of the road and a figure stepped out.


To be continued

Raindrops And Confessions // Jikook [✓]Where stories live. Discover now