Chapter 17

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A/n: ok guys this chapter is in a new characters point of view his name is David and he is in a band and crap so love you guys!!!!

David POV.
I was hanging out with the guys playing chase Mario when my phone rang. I paused the game and got up to answer it.
"David its Alan."
"Sup Alan how's it going."
"Good how bought you?"
"Fine just found out yesterday that were playing at warped tour."
"Kool us too well i gotta go I'm with the guys and Tino just stole austins monster and yea" I could hear Austin yelling in the background at Tino."ok well bye"
"Bye see you at warped" I hung up and walked back inside to find jack and Bryce twerking on the table and teyvion stripping dancing on the random ass pole we have in our house. I start recording it. When they realized that I recording it they quickly stop. And go back to playing the game. I go through my contacts looking for my friend shawn's contact. I'm scrolling through my contacts when I see the name of the girl that I truly loved but fucked up with. I just scrolled by her name with a sigh and found Shawn's contact and send the video to him.

Bekah POV.
I was pacing around the bathroom with Winter trying to calm me down. I'm... Pregnant with Andy's baby. "Bekah calm down. Just tell Andy and if he truly loves you then he will accept the fact that it's his baby and he'll still love you." Winter said still trying to calm me down. "W-will you come with me when I tell him?" I questioned. "Of course girl we did get married at your 7th grade birthday party." She said and as on instinct we both started singing, "WE CAN BE EACH OTHERS BOYFRIENDS" the Jenna Marbles version. We both busted out laughing. "Okay I think I want to tell Andy after I go to the doctor tomorrow to confirm my pregnancy. will you come with me to the appointment and to tell Andy?" "Gurrllll I got you I got you" she respond in a ghetto voice. we both laughed a bit then talked about the huge family thing we had in the 7th grade.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I woke up at 7:30 and looked to my side to see Andy still sleeping. I carefully slipped out of his arms trying not to wake him. I successfully did and I grabbed my phone and change of clothes and ran to the bathroom at the end of he hallway so I didn't wake Andy up. I took a quick shower and put on my clothes. I'm really lazy so you know what I'm just gonna put my hair in a fabulous Phil bun, a hairstyle that we made in the 7th grade. I grabbed my phone and snuck past me and Andys room and ran quietly down the stairs. I grabbed an apple and writ Andy a note

Dear Andy,
I went out with Winter I'll be back later! I love you 💖💖
~love Bekah
I put it on the fridge with a magnet knowing he'll see it when he wakes up. I quietly snuck out the door and to Andy's mustang. I put the keys in and pulled out of the driveway. I drove to CC's house since that's where Winter lives now. I sent her a text telling her I was here. 5 minutes later she came out of the house with her hair also in a fabulous Phil bun just like mine. "Great minds think alike" she said when she got in the car. I drove to the doctors office not saying a word with Winter singing along quietly to the radio. We got there and I parked. We walked in and I checked my self in. We sat down and I stated to get really nervous. Winter was rubbing my back trying to calm me down. "Bekah Silvers" a nurse called. I got up and walked towards the nurse with Winter right behind me.we were sitting there waiting for my test results to come back. The doctor walked in not even 5 minutes later. "Congratulations Mrs. Silvers your pregnant." "Thank you doctor" Winter said while I was holding back tears. We payed and left. I got in the passengers seat of the car because I'm in no state to drive in. Winter got in the drivers side and pulled out of the parking lot. We drove back to Andy's house and pulled in the driveway. I took a deep breath and got out the car and walked inside. I unlock the door and walk in with Winter right behind me. "ANDY" "YES BABE?" He responds. "COME DOWN HERE I HAVE TO TELL YOU SOMETHING!" "LET ME FINISH MY HAIR REAL QUICK I HAVE TO STRAIGHTEN MY BANGS" "OK PLEASE HURRY" 10 minutes pass and Andy finally walks down the stairs with his hair straightened and red highlights on the top of his hair. "I love your hair babe we be twinnin now!" I say referring to my black and red hair. "Thx" Andy says coming to sit by me on the couch. "hey Winter" "Sup Andy" "so what did you have to tell me babe?" Ok deep breaths. In just gonna come right out and say it "impregnant" I say really fast. "what?" "I'm pregnant" by now I'm crying hysterically. "baby what crying about this is awesome." "Sooty to interrupt your moment by I gotta go CC is waiting outside for me." "By Johnnie" j said hugging her. "bye Bryan" as if on instinct all three of us yell "WHO WANTS TO DO COCANE WITH BRYAN!!!" We all laugh and then Winter leaves. "What was with the whole Bryan and Johnnie thing?" Andy asked. "oh well in the 7th grade we came to a conclusion that I was the Bryan to her Johnnie and vise versa." "oh ok that makes much more since." we went upstairs and payed in bed cuddling. Andy puts his hand on my stomach and says "I can't wait for our new little monster be born in 9 months." "me neither but after they are born in gonna start having my period again and mehhhh the struggle is real!" I said dramatically but seriously. Andy just laughed and we went back to cuddling. My eyelids shut and I'm about to fall asleep and I hear/feel Andy whisper I love both of you and kissing my forehead and my stomach. I feel asleep smiling. I love how caring Andy is words me and now our baby.

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