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So I realized something and that is that this story needs some rules, or better yet to write down the rules for this story. This rules do not refer to your comments or criticism against this story, but rather the way the dates are gonna be showed.

1. Whenever in this story we reach a number of dates that can be divided by ten the character the date is about is gonna be from the RWBY verse. Ex: Client 10 Elm, Client 20 Winter, etc.

2. After five dates the date will not be considered a 'Client' but a 'Returning Client' in which a character from a past chapter will come back for a second date.

3. If you want to see a specific girl please remember to vote either at the end of the chapter or in this very chapter. Not only that but you can vote from 1 to 2 clients in a same date.

4. 'Mega clients' is a prize given to a person that finds a themed reference to a series of my election and notes it out. A Mega Client is not a client but multiple clients in one single chapter that can go from 3 to 7 characters, only rule is that they are from the same franchise.

5. From the ten clients that the story is divided into I will selct four and sometimes a returning client.

6. Dates: Dates are the most important type of chapters because they aren't Jaune just having a date with the person but him being in the dimension of said before character for an undetermined amount of time.

7. Rent a Bro: Rent a Bro not a date with a female character but a date and/or hang out with a male character of your choise.

This space to vote for an specific client.

Those are the rules and thanks for reading. Bye Bye.

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