Chapter Seventeen

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Cemal's P.O.V

C: 'I've been monitoring 11620 for the past three or four weeks that he's been here and he never fails to surprise me. Just last night he pulled something out of his pockets and gave it to 11639. Stickers apparently. I must run a search on him because I don't know what else he could be hiding. Although, I will state that he seemed confused when he found them. I may look into that.'

Cemal was behind the glass, the glass that's high above one of the walls in Liam and Evelyn's room. Anytime he isn't working with other subjects or analysing something, he's watching them, mostly him. Liam had always been interesting to the man ever since he arrived. I mean, a LIVING backpack with HUMAN blood? Who wouldn't want to experiment on it? See what it's capable of. Now that he thinks about it, he never ran any proper tests on the poor bag, he had only used that as an excuse to experiment on it. He is smart most of the time and does everything that a human can. Maybe some real tests are needed after all.


C: '11620 woke up panicked. He's done that every single night since he's gotten here, so I'm assuming that it's nightmares. He's sitting up from the floor covering his mouth, why? Oh. The girl. I don't get why he's so..protective over her since she got here. He's aware that she's a child but I don't think a living backpack has the skills and qualities to care for a younger being. I also don't think he has an age even if he says he's a "grown a** man". Doesn't seem reasonable for a f***ing backpack to have an actual damn age. He seems to be calming down.'


The lights in the room brightened as per usual at this time. It woke Evelyn up, she doesn't like sleeping with the lights on as it bothers her unless she's exhausted. She sits up from the bed and spots Liam laying on the floor beside her.

E: "Mr. Plecak, are you okay?"

L: "Hmm? Oh, uh, yeah."

Silence filled the room. There wasn't much to talk about, was there? Liam did have a lot on his mind that he'd like to talk about but he couldn't talk about it to Evelyn, she's only a kid. Speaking of Evelyn, she didn't have much to say either, she had already talked about all her interests and stuff like that to the backpack. The silence would only break from the beep heard from the door. Liam had always thought about sprinting through it every time it opened but he knew what the outcome would be. Tranquillised.......again.. He sat up and looked towards the door with Evelyn. Something that immediately caught the pair's attention was that the person that walked in Neither had seen them before. They dressed the same as all the others, white coat and dark blue trousers. They had a tan skin colour, dark brown eyes and blonde hair that was slicked back. They opened their mouth to speak.

F: "Hello, 11620 and 11639. My name is Flann and I've been requested by Cemal to bring 11620 with me."

E: "Why do you guys keep calling us numbers?"

F: "Well, it's to keep track of our subj-"

L: "It's to keep track of how many people have been here."

E: "Oh."

Liam wouldn't let the poor girl know what was truly going on, so after saying that he looked towards the unfamiliar scientist with a face that said "Don't f***ing say anything" and it seemed like they understood it.

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